Receiving PO Acknowledgments (Inbound 855/ORDRSP)

  1. To determine whether the system will receive purchase order acknowledgments and whether acknowledgments can be posted or auto-posted, set up the EDI Vendor Profiles form.

    Selecting one or all of these EDI Vendor Profiles fields determines how the purchase order acknowledgments will be posted to the system:

    • Allow Order Qty Override?
    • Allow Item Cost Override?
    • Allow Due Date Override?
    Note:  If you do not select any of the override fields on the EDI Vendor Profiles form, posting the purchase order acknowledgments does not change any information on the purchase order except the Vendor Order Number.
  2. Import data into SyteLine's EDI database tables.

    To import the inbound purchase order acknowledgment 855/ORDRSP transaction from your vendor, use the EDI Transaction Load Routine.

  3. To view the purchase order acknowledgments and to view transaction errors, if any, use the EDI Purchase Order Acknowledgments form.

    You can also view transmission errors by running the Inbound PO Acknowledgment Report.

  4. To post any changes in order quantity, material cost (and, indirectly, item cost), and/or the due date to the SyteLine system, on the EDI Purchase Order Acknowledgments form, select Post and then click Post Acknowledgments to PO.

    Posting of PO acknowledgments can change the order quantity and/or the due date in the SyteLine system. During posting, the inbound PO acknowledgement cost directly overrides the PO unit material cost. The PO item cost (or unit cost, for blanket POs) is then recalculated as the sum of material, freight, brokerage, duty, insurance, and local freight costs.

    Posting applies only those changes selected on the EDI Vendor Profiles form. Any other changes in the acknowledgment must be made to the PO manually.