Outbound Demand EDI Transactions - Flat File Layout

This topic describes the flat file layout for outbound demand EDI transactions.
  • Explanation of Formats: DT = Date AN = Alphanumeric N* = Numeric (2nd digit = the number of decimal places)
  • Field Length: Each file must be the exact length designated in this file layout. Each field's starting position must match the file layout. If your values are shorter than the field length specified here, the value is padded with blanks to fill the length of the field so that each field starts in the correct position.

810 Invoice Export

If the Generate Invoices field on the EDI Customer Profiles form is selected for the trading partner associated with the invoiced customer order, invoices are generated during the invoice printing process.

810 Invoice Export Flat File Layout

To convert to a single flat file for use with translators other than Radley, on the Demand EDI Parameters - Interface Setup form, the Generic Interface field must be selected.
If the value in an SyteLine Freight, Misc Charges, Sales Tax, Prepaid Amount, or Total record contains more than 10 digits (for example, a US dollar amount greater than $99,999,999.99), the additional digits are truncated from the right side in the flat-file record.

This table describes the fields for Map Identifier Record (For translators other than Radley):

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 7 AN


You can enter 17 characters in the Trading Partner field but SyteLine will only use 7 characters for exports.

SY1 Designator (hard_coded) 8 3 AN Hard Coded SY1
Transaction Type Number 11 6 AN Hard Coded 810

This table describes the fields for Header:

Field Description Position: Radley Position: Other Translators Length Format Field or Notes
Record Type   1 1 N0 1 = Header
1 Trading Partner Designator 2 2 AN


Invoice Number 3 4 12 N0


The invoice number length is determined by the Invoice Length field on the Order Entry Parameters form. However, the full 12 characters for this field in the EDI file should be preserved.

Undefined 15 16 18 AN If you use an invoice number length less than 12, this Undefined field appears to have additional space available. If you use this undefined field, preserve its defined starting character and length.
Destination 33 34 5 AN


for ship-to customer

Undefined 38 39 5 AN  
Invoice Date 43 44 8 DT



Invoice Type 51 52 2 AN cust_tp_mst.inv_code
ASN Number 53 54 30 AN do_hdr_mst.do_num

or edi_bol_mst.asn_num

Purchase Order Number 83 84 22 AN edi_inv_hdr_mst.cust_po
Purchase Order Date 105 106 8 DT



or edi_co_mst.order_date.


Undefined 113 114 53 AN  
Ship Date 166 167 8 DT



Undefined 174 175 67 AN  
Discount Percentage 241 242 5 N0 items_mst.disc_pct
Undefined 246 247 10 AN  
BOL Number 256 257 30 AN symedi_edi_bol_mst.bol_num
Undefined 268 287 117 AN  
Terms code 403 404 2 AN symedi_edi_inv_hdr_mst.terms_code

(last character truncated)

Undefined 405 406 2 AN  
Discount Days 407 408 3 N0 items_mst.disc_days
Due Days 410 411 3 N0 items_mst.due_days
Undefined 413 414 13 N0  
Prox Day 426 427 2 N0 items_mst.prox_day
Undefined 428 429 103 N0  
A-OR-C 531 532 1 AN if Prepaid then "A" else ""
A-OR-C 532 533 1 AN if Misc Chg then "C" else ""
A-OR-C 533 534 1 AN if Freight then "C" else ""
A-OR-C 534 535 1 AN if Sales Tax then "C" else ""
Undefined 535 536 201 AN  
AC-AMOUNT 736 737 10 N0 edi_inv_hdr_mst.prepaid_amt
AC-AMOUNT 746 747 10 N0 edi_inv_hdr_mst.misc_charges
AC-AMOUNT 756 757 10 N0 edi_inv_hdr_mst.freight
AC-AMOUNT 766 767 10 N0 edi_inv_stax_mst.sales_tax
Undefined 776 777 365 AN  
AC-TOTAL 1141 1142 10 N0 AC-AMOUNT Total
Undefined 1151 1152 8 AN  
Import Export Flag 1159 1160 1 N0 Hard Coded 0 - zero
Undefined 1160 1161 652 AN  
  1811   1812   Total Record Length

This table describes the fields for Detail:

Field Description Position: Radley Position: Other Translators Length Format Field or Notes
Record Type   1 1 N0 2 = Detail
Trading Partner Designator 1 2 2 AN cust_tp_mst.tp_code
Invoice Number 3 4 12 N0 edi_inv_item_mst.inv_num
Undefined 15 16 18 AN  
Out Part Number 33 34 30 AN edi_inv_item_mst.item
Undefined 63 64 30 AN  
Destination 93 94 5 AN


3,5) for ship-to customer

Undefined 98 99 5 AN  
Customer Part Number 103 104 30 AN



Purchase Order Number 133 134 22 AN edi_inv_item_mst.cust_po
Purchase Order Line 155 156 4 AN edi_inv_item_mst.co_line
Undefined 159 160 16 AN  
Purchase Order Release 175 176 4 AN edi_inv_item_mst.co_release
Undefined 179 180 26 AN  
Invoiced Quantity 205 203 10, 13 N0


(Radley length is 10; other translators' length is 13)

Price 215 216 10 N0 edi_inv_item_mst.price
Unit Of Measure 225 226 2 AN

rmaitem_mst.u_m or


Basis Code 227 228 2 AN Hard Coded UM
Undefined 229 230 48 N0  
Subject To Terms Flag 277 278 1 N0 Hard Coded 1 - one
Subject To Discount Flag 278 279 1 N0 Hard Coded if edi_inv_item_mst.disc<>0 then 1 else 0
Discount Percentage 279 280 5 N0 edi_inv_item_mst.disc
Discount Amount 284 285 10 N0 Calculated
Item Amount 294 295 10 N0 Calculated
Undefined 304 305 461 AN  
Tax Code 1 765 766 10 N0
Undefined 776 777 67 AN
Restocking fee 843 844 10 N0 Included for RMA credit with a restocking fee
Undefined 853 854 125 AN
Order Quantity 978 979 6 N0

rmaitem_mst.qty_to_return or


Order Unit Of Measure 984 985 2 AN

rmaitem_mst.u_m or


Undefined 986 987 634 AN  
Import Export Flag 1620 1621 1 N0 Hard Coded 0 - zero
Undefined 1621 1622 428 AN  
  2048   2049   Total Record Length

This table describes the fields for Multiple Due Date Record Type. This record type is used for each multiple due date record that exists for an invoice.

Field Description Position: Radley Position: Other Translators Length Format Field or Notes
Record Type   1 1 N0 3 = Due Date
Trading Partner Designator 1 2 2 AN cust_tp_mst.tp_code
Invoice Number 3 4 12 N0 edi_inv_hdr_mst.inv_num
Undefined 15 16 18 N0 edi_inv_hdr_mst.inv_num
Due Date 33 34 8 DT



Due Date Percentage 41 42 5 N0


Due Date Amount 46 47 13 N0 edi_ar_terms_due_mst.amount
Due Days Offset 59 60 10 N0 edi_ar_terms_due_mst.due_days_offset
Terms Sequence 69 70 9 N0 edi_ar_terms_due_mst.terms_seq

855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment Export

Purchase order acknowledgments are generated during the posting of a customer order from the EDI database tables to SyteLine if the EDI Customer Profile form's Generate Acknowledgments field is selected for the trading partner associated with the customer order. A purchase order acknowledgment is also generated for each order that is printed via the Order Verification Report.

855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment Export Flat File Layout

To convert to a single flat file for use with translators other than Radley, the Generic Interface field must be selected on the Demand EDI Parameters - Interface Setup form.

This table describes the fields for Map Identifier Record (For translators other than Radley):

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 7 AN cust_tp_mst.tp_code

You can enter 17 characters in the Trading Partner field but SyteLine will only use 7 characters for exports.

SY1 Designator (hard_coded) 8 3 AN Hard Coded SY1
Transaction Type Number 11 6 AN Hard Coded 855

This table describes the fields for Header - Record Type 100:

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Designator 1 2 AN substring(cust_tp_mst.tp_code, 1,2)
Purchase Order Number 3 22 AN


(ackitem_mst.cust_po BCO)

Purchase Order Date 25 8 DT ack_mst.order_date


Acknowledgment Flag 33 1 N0 Hard Coded

if ack_mst.trx_code = "ACK" then 1 else 3

Undefined 34 6 AN  
Record Type 40 3 N0 Hard Coded 100
Sequence Number 43 6 N0 Calculated
Division Abbreviation 49 5 AN substring(cust_tp_mst.tp_code, 3,5)
Destination Abbreviation 54 5 AN substring(cust_tp_mst.tp_code, 3,5)
Undefined 59 15 AN  
Transaction Set 74 3 AN ack_mst.trx_code
Undefined 77 32 AN  
Data Entry Date 109 8 DT

Current Date


Data Entry Time 117 4 AN


Format = HHMM

Export Date 121 8 DT

Current Date


Undefined 129 30 AN  
On/Off Part and Dest Found 159 1 N0 Hard Coded 1 - one
Undefined 160 11 N0  
Purpose 171 2 AN cust_tp_mst.ack_code
PO Type 173 2 AN Hard Coded if ack_type = "R" then "SA" else "BK"
Undefined 175 34 AN  
Terms 209 2 AN ack_mst.terms (last character truncated)
Undefined 211 39 AN  
PO Contact Number 250 25 AN ack_mst.phone
Undefined 275 136 AN  
Ship Via 411 2 AN ack_mst.ship_code (last character truncated)
Undefined 413 168 AN  
Manually Entered Flag 581 1 N0 Hard Coded 0 - zero
Customer User-Defined Character Field 1 582 20 AN ack_mst.charfld1 Radley Undefined
Customer User-Defined Character Field 2 602 20 AN ack_mst.charfld2 Radley Undefined
Customer User-Defined Character Field 3 622 20 AN ack_mst.charfld3 Radley Undefined
Customer User-Defined Date Field 642 8 DT

ack_mst.datefld Radley Undefined


Customer User-Defined Decimal Field 1 650 14 AN ack_mst.decifld1 Radley Undefined
Customer User-Defined Decimal Field 2 664 14 AN ack_mst.decifld2 Radley Undefined
Customer User-Defined Decimal Field 3 678 14 AN ack_mst.decifld3 Radley Undefined
Customer User-Defined Logic Field 692 3 AN ack_mst.logifld Radley Undefined


Undefined 695 335 AN  
    1029   Total Record Length

855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment Export Flat File Layout

This table describes the fields for Address Record - Record Type 200:

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Designator 1 2 AN substring(cust_tp_mst.tp_code, 1,2)
Purchase Order Number 3 22 AN


(ackitem_mst.cust_po BCO)

Purchase Order Date 25 8 DT



Acknowledgment Flag 33 1 N0

Hard Coded

if ack_mst.trx_code = "ACK" then 1 else 3

Undefined 34 6 AN  
Record Type 40 3 N0 Hard Coded 200
Sequence Number 43 6 N0 Calculated
Division Abbreviation 49 5 AN

substring (cust_tp_mst.tp_code, 3,5)

Destination Abbreviation 54 5 AN

substring (cust_tp_mst.tp_code, 3,5)

Undefined 59 15 AN  
Transaction Set 74 3 AN ack_mst.trx_code
Undefined 77 32 AN  
Data Entry Date 109 8 DT

Current Date


Data Entry Time 117 4 AN


Format = HHMM

Export Date 121 8 DT

Current Date


Undefined 129 30 AN  
On/Off Part and Dest Found 159 1 N0 Hard Coded 1 - one
Undefined 160 10 AN  
Entity ID Code 170 2 AN

Hard Coded

'BT' Bill to 'ST' Ship to

Undefined 172 19 AN  
Ship To/Bill To Name 191 60 AN custaddr_mst.name
Undefined 251 10 AN  
Address Name 1 261 50 AN custaddr_mst.addr##1
Undefined 311 110 AN  
Address Line 1 421 50 AN custaddr_mst.addr##2
Undefined 471 110 AN  
City 581 30 AN custaddr_mst.city
Undefined 611 15 AN  
State 626 5 AN custaddr_mst.state
Zip Code 631 10 AN custaddr_mst.zip
Undefined 641 477 AN  
    1118   Total Record Length

This table describes the fields for Detail - Record Type 300:

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Designator 1 2 AN substring(cust_tp_mst.tp_code, 1,2)
Purchase Order Number 3 22 AN ack_cust_po (ackitem_mst.cust_po BCO)
Purchase Order Date 25 8 DT



Acknowledgment Flag 33 1 N0

Hard Coded

if ack_mst.trx_code = "ACK" then 1 else 3

Control Sequence 34 6 AN ackitem_mst.ext_ref
Record Type 40 3 N0 Hard Coded 300
Sequence Number 43 6 N0 Calculated
Division Abbreviation 49 5 AN substring(cust_tp_mst.tp_code, 3,5)
Destination Abbreviation 54 5 AN substring(cust_tp_mst.tp_code, 3,5)
Undefined 59 15 AN  
Transaction Set 74 3 AN ack_mst.trx_code
Undefined 77 32 AN  
Data Entry Date 109 8 DT

Current Date


Data Entry Time 117 4 AN


Format = HHMM

Export Date 121 8 DT

Current Date


Undefined 129 30 AN  
On/Off Part and Dest Found 159 1 N0 Hard Coded 1 - one
Undefined 160 10 N0  
Purchase Order LIne 170 4 N0 ackitem_mst.co_line
Undefined 174 16 AN  
Trading Partner Part Number 190 30 AN

ack_bln_mst.cust_item or


Our Item Number 220 30 AN

ack_bln_mst.item or


Quantity 250 9 N0 ackitem_mst.qty_ordered
Unit Of Measure 259 2 AN

ack_bln_mst.u_m or


Price 261 14 N0 ack_bln_mst.cont_price
Price Base 275 2 AN

ack_bln_mst.pricecode or


(last character truncated)

Description 277 35 AN SpecificNotes.NoteContent
Undefined 312 30 AN  
Time Qualifier 342 3 AN Hard Coded 017
Required Date 345 8 DT



Undefined 353 4 AN  
Blanket Line Quantity 357 9 N0 ack_bln_mst.blanket_qty
Undefined 366 470 AN  
Customer User-Defined Character Field 1 836 20 AN ack_mst.charfld1 Radley Undefined
Customer User-Defined Character Field 2 856 20 AN ack_mst.charfld2 Radley Undefined
Customer User-Defined Character Field 3 876 20 AN ack_mst.charfld3 Radley Undefined
Customer User-Defined Date Field 896 8 DT

ack_mst.datefld Radley Undefined


Customer User-Defined Decimal Field 1 904 14 AN ack_mst.decifld1 Radley Undefined
Customer User-Defined Decimal Field 2 918 14 AN ack_mst.decifld2 Radley Undefined
Customer User-Defined Decimal Field 3 932 14 AN ack_mst.decifld3 Radley Undefined
Customer User-Defined Logic Field 946 3 AN ack_mst.logifld - Radley Undefined YES or NO
Undefined 949 76 AN  
    1024   Total Record Length
Note:  If you are using Radley, the Quantity field length is 10, the format is N0, and the position is 205. The total record length is not affected.

856 Advance Shipping Notices (ASNs) Export

Advance ship notices (ASNs) are used within the SyteLine EDI functionality to notify the trading partner that a shipment of goods has been completed. This transaction set communicates the contents of a shipment, who it is from, and where it is going. An ASN is generated during the printing of an advance ship notice if the Generate Ship Notice field on the EDI Customer Profiles form is selected for the trading partner associated with the ASN customer order.

856 Advance Shipping Notices (ASNs) Export Flat File Layout

To convert to a single flat file for use with translators other than Radley, the Generic Interface check box must be selected on the Demand EDI Parameters - Interface Setup form.

This table describes the fields for Map Identifier Record (For translators other than Radley):

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 7 AN cust_tp_mst.tp_code
SY1 Designator (hard_coded) 8 3 AN Hard Coded SY1
Transaction Type Number 11 6 AN Hard Coded 856

This table describes the fields for Header:

Field Description Position: Radley Position: Other Translators Length Format Field or Notes
Record Type   1 1 N0 1 = Header
Transaction Type 1 2 1 N0 Hard Coded 1 - one
Company Code 2 3 7 AN edi_parms_mst.tp_code
Undefined 9 10 1 AN  
Trading Partner Designator 10 11 2 AN substring(cust_tp_mst.tp_code, 1,2)
Shipper Number 12 13 30 AN edi_bol_mst.shipper_num
Undefined 42 43 40 AN  
Destination Abbreviation 82 83 5 AN substring(cust_tp-tp_code, 3,5)
Site Abbreviation 87 88 5 AN substring(bt_cust_tp_mst.tp_code, 3,5)
Bill To Abbreviation 92 93 5 AN substring(bt_cust_tp_mst.tp_code, 3,5)
Ship To Abbreviation 97 98 5 AN substring(cust_tp_mst.tp_code, 3,5)
Ship Date 102 103 8 DT

Current Date


Ship Time 110 111 4 AN


Format = HHMM

Pooled 114 115 1 AN cust_tp_mst.pooled_asn
Undefined 115 116 31 AN  
Carrier Code 146 147 4 AN co_mst.ship_code
Undefined 150 151 6 AN  
Equipment Number 156 157 7 AN edi_bol_mst.veh_num
Undefined 163 164 10 AN  
Route 173 174 25 AN edi_bol_mst.route
Undefined 198 199 75 AN  
Status 273 274 1 AN Hard Coded "N"
Entry Date 274 275 8 DT

Current Date


Entry Time 282 283 4 AN


Format = HHMM

Undefined 286 287 15 AN  
Carrier Reference 301 302 15 AN edi_bol_mst.carrier_num
Undefined 316 317 16 AN  
ASN Required Flag 332 333 1 N0 Hard Coded 1 - one
Undefined 333 334 120 AN  
ASN Number 453 454 30 AN do_hdr_mst.do_num or


BOL Number 483 484 30 AN do_hdr_mst.do_num or


Undefined 513 514 520 AN  
  1032   1033   Total Record Length

This table describes the fields for Detail:

Field Description Position: Radley Position: Other Translators Length Format Field or Notes
Record Type   1 1 N0 2 = Detail
Transaction Type 1 2 1 N0 Hard Coded 1 - one
Company Code 2 3 7 AN edi_parms_mst.tp_code
Undefined 9 10 1 AN  
Trading Partner Designator 10 11 2 AN substring(cust_tp_mst.tp_code, 1,2)
Shipper Number 12 13 30 AN edi_bol_mst.shipper_num
Item 42 43 30 AN edi_bol_item_mst.item
Customer Item 72 73 30 AN coitem_mst.cust_item or " "
Quantity Shipped 102 103 7 AN edi_bol_item_mst.qty
Unit Of Measure 109 110 2 AN edi_bol_item_mst.u_m
Undefined 111 112 50 AN  
Item Description 161 162 30 AN edi_bol_item_mst.description
Item Weight 191 192 10 N0 item_mst.unit_weight
Undefined 201 202 6 AN  
PO Number 207 208 22 AN edi_rel_po_mst.cust_po or co_mst.cust_po
PO Date 229 230 8 DT

edi_co_mst.order_date or



Undefined 237 238 16 AN  
Price 253 254 10 N0 coitem_mst.price or 0
Undefined 263 264 40 AN  
Status 303 304 1 AN Hard Coded "N"
Entry Date 304 305 8 DT

Current Date


Entry Time 312 313 4 AN


Format = HHMM

Undefined 316 317 332 AN  
Lot Number 648 649 30 AN matltrack_mst.lot
Undefined 678 679 417 AN  
  1094   1095   Total Record Length

This table describes the fields for Serial Number Record. The serial number record applies only to generic translators (not to Radley). This record may be included if the Include Serial Numbers check box is selected on the EDI Customer Profiles form.

Field Description Position: Radley Position: Other Translators Length Format Field or Notes
Record Type   1 1 N0 3 = Serial
Transaction Type   2 1 N0 Hard Coded 1 - one
Company Code   3 8 AN edi_parms_mst.tp_code
Trading Partner Designator   11 2 AN substring(cust_tp_mst.tp_code, 1,2)
Shipper Number   13 30 AN edi_bol_mst.shipper_num
Item   43 30 AN edi_bol_item_mst.item
Undefined   73 30 AN  
Serial Number   103 30 AN serial_mst.ser_num
Undefined   133 355 AN  
      487   Total Record Length