Making Changes to EDI Customer Order Lines

This topic describes the process of making changes to an EDI customer order line.

Adding Lines to an EDI Customer Order

After you add or update a line item, the customer's credit balance adjusts. If the new credit balance is greater than the customer's credit limit, an error message displays.

If the customer's posted balance is greater than the customer's credit limit, an error message displays.

Updating EDI Customer Order Line/Releases

You cannot update the Item field for any line that has a quantity ordered value greater than zero.

When you update a line item quantity, you should click the Reprice button. This updates the unit price to reflect any change to the unit price in the Items form. (You can also clear the Unit Price field and move the cursor onto another field to perform an automatic reprice.)

For example, on June 15, a customer orders five items at $20.00/item. On June 16, the Unit Price on the Items form changes to $22.00. If on June 17, you update the EDI customer order to six items, the items remain priced at $20.00/item (according to the EDI customer order), unless you click Reprice to access the most recent Items Unit Price. The system then changes the price of each of the six items to reflect the new unit price of $22.00/item.

If you change the Qty Ordered field, the Alloc Order field adjusts automatically.

Deleting a Line/Release

To delete a line/release, either of the following must be true:

  • The status of the EDI customer order line/release must be Planned.
  • The fields Qty Ordered, Qty Shipped, and Qty Returned must each have a zero value.

Shipping Information

The General and Drop Ship tabs display order shipping information for each line item. Use this file for tracking shipment information for any EDI customer order that has shipments delivered to more than one Ship To location.

You can specify the location to which to ship a particular line/release item. You can also change the existing location.

You can add or update a drop shipment at any time until you fully ship the line/release.

Note:  After you change the drop ship location for a line/release, there is no record of the line/release's previous drop ship location. For this reason, we suggest you add a separate line/release if you want to change the drop ship location.

Because of invoicing requirements, you can only use established customers from the Customers file as drop ship addresses.

Tax Information

When you add a drop ship customer to an EDI customer order line item, the system compares the tax code of the drop ship customer, the tax code of the existing customer, and the tax code of the EDI customer order line item to determine if you must change the line item tax code.

In an area-based system, the tax code of the newly added drop ship customer might be different than the tax code of the original customer. If so, the system changes the EDI customer order line item tax code to the tax code of the newly added drop ship customer. However, if the tax code of the EDI customer order line item is a rate-type tax code and the newly added drop ship tax code is equal to the original customer's tax code, the system blanks out the line item tax code.

In an item-based tax system, the tax code of the newly added drop ship customer might be different than the tax code on the EDI customer order line item. If so, the system changes the EDI customer order line item tax code to the tax code specified in the Tax Codes for Items by Jurisdiction form. The system retrieves this record based on the item number you entered for this line item and the jurisdiction of the exempt code on the drop ship customer.

Note:  This action occurs only if the exempt code on the drop ship customer has a non-zero rate, the jurisdiction is not blank, and a record exists in the Tax Codes for Items by Jurisdiction form.

The system asks whether you want to overwrite the tax code at the EDI customer order line item with the drop ship tax code. You can choose to leave the tax code as is, or change the tax code.

Note:  If the Prompt on Line Item field on the Tax Systems form is not selected, the system changes the tax code without asking you to verify that you want to make the change.