Receiving an EDI Planning Order or Shipping Schedule (830 or 862)

  1. Import data into SyteLine. To import the Planning Order (830/DELFORS) or Shipping Schedule (862/DELJIT) transaction from your customer, use the EDI Transaction Load Routine. When the data is imported, it creates EDI customer blanket orders and line/releases.
  2. You can review and update the order data before posting it to the system, using these forms:
    • EDI Customer Orders
    • EDI Customer Order Blanket Lines
    • EDI Customer Order Blanket Releases
  3. Post the orders. You can post the orders manually or allow EDI to post them automatically, depending on how you set the Auto-Post option on the EDI Customer Profiles form:
    • If you set Auto-Post to Inbound or Both, EDI automatically validates and posts the orders to SyteLine.
    • If you set Auto-Post to Outbound or Neither, you must post the orders to SyteLine manually from the EDI Customer Orders form's Actions menu. When posted, these orders create SyteLine customer orders.
    • Actions > Post Current: Posts the current EDI CO to SyteLine.
    • Actions > Post All: Posts all valid EDI COs to SyteLine at the same time.

If the system detects any errors during posting, you can do either of the following:

  • To view the errors for a specific newly-created order, go to the EDI Customer Orders form and select Actions > List Errors.
  • To view a list of all errors that occurred when the system received the inbound EDI purchase orders, go to the Inbound Purchase Order Error Report.