Inbound Demand EDI Transactions - Flat-File Layout

This topic describes the flat-file layout for inbound demand EDI transactions.

DT = Date

AN = Alphanumeric

N* = Numeric (2nd digit = the number of decimal places)

Field Length: Each file must be the exact length designated in this file layout. Each field's starting position must match the file layout. If your values are shorter than the field length specified here, the value is padded with blanks to fill the length of the field so that each field starts in the correct position.

850 Purchase Orders

EDI 850 purchase orders are customer orders in SyteLine. They can be regular or blanket orders. The transaction code is RPO (Regular Purchase Order). SyteLine does not handle 860 transactions (Purchase Order Change).

The load program reads the transaction type on each record of the translator supplied import files located on columns 40-42. The transaction type determines how the load program handles the data.

The transaction types are as follows.

CO Header 100
CO Header Text 110, 145, 170
Contact and Phone 115, 150
Terms 120
Tax 140
CO Line Item 300
Expire/Effective Dates 305
Line Item Text 310, 370
Line Item Discount 320

The ship-to location normally comes in on the 100 transaction type. An EDI customer order is created and all the 300 transaction types create line items for it. The ship-to location can also be sent in on the 300 transaction type instead of the 100 transaction. When this occurs a new EDI customer order is created for each different ship-to location with the same PO number.

850 Purchase Orders Import Flat File Layout

This table describes record type 100.

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 2 AN cust_tp_mst.tp_code,


Purchase Order Number 3 22 AN edi_co_mst.cust_po
Order Date 25 8 DT edi_co_mst.order_date Format = YYYYMMDD
Undefined 33 7 AN  
Record Transaction Type 40 3 AN 100
Undefined 43 11 AN  
Destination (Ship To) Code 54 5 AN cust_tp_mst.tp_code
Undefined 59 15 AN  
Transaction Type 74 3 AN edi_co_mst.trx-code If 850 then RPO else POC
Undefined 77 96 AN  
Order Type 173 2 AN edi_co_mst.type If BE or BK then B else R
Undefined 175 75 AN  
Phone Number 250 20 AN, include dashes Ex: 614-888-1234
Undefined 270 305 AN  
User-Defined Character Field 1 575 20 AN edi_co_mst.charfld1 Radley Undefined
User-Defined Character Field 2 595 20 AN edi_co_mst.charfld2 Radley Undefined
User-Defined Character Field 3 615 20 AN edi_co_mst.charfld3 Radley Undefined
User-Defined Date Field 635 8 DT edi_co_mst.datefld Radley Undefined Format = YYYYMMDD
User-Defined Decimal Field 1 643 12 N2 edi_co_mst.decifld1 Radley Undefined
User-Defined Decimal Field 2 655 12 N2 edi_co_mst.decifld2 Radley Undefined
User-Defined Decimal Field 3 667 12 N2 edi_co_mst.decifld3 Radley Undefined
User-Defined Logic Field 679 3 AN edi_co_mst.logifld Radley Undefined YES or NO
Undefined 682 343 AN  
    1024   Total Record Length

This table describes record types 110, 145, and 170.

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Undefined 1 2 AN  
Purchase Order Number 3 22 AN edi_co_mst.cust_po
Undefined 25 15 AN  
Record Transaction Type 40 3 AN 110, 145, or 170
Undefined 43 130 AN  
Order Header Notes 1 173 40 AN SpecificNotes.NoteContent
Order Header Notes 2 213 40 AN SpecificNotes.NoteContent
Undefined 253 772 AN  
    1024   Total Record Length

This table describes record types 115 and 150.

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Undefined 1 2 AN  
Purchase Order Number 3 22 AN edi_co_mst.cust_po
Undefined 25 15 AN  
Record Transaction Type 40 3 AN 115 or 150
Undefined 43 129 AN  
Contact 172 15 AN
Undefined 187 22 AN  
Phone Number 209 20 AN

Format: include dashes. Example: 614-888-1234 This overrides phone in Record Type 100

Undefined 229 796    
    1024   Total Record Length

This table describes record type 120.

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Undefined 1 2 AN  
Purchase Order Number 3 22 AN edi_co_mst.cust_po
Undefined 25 15 AN  
Record Transaction Type 40 3 AN 120
Undefined 43 127 AN  
Terms 170 2 AN edi_co_mst.terms_code
Undefined 172 2 AN  
Order Discount 174 6 N6 edi_co_mst.disc
Note:  If you use the 120 record, this field should always contain a value. The field should never contain blanks, which translate to NULL values that are not validated. It also cannot contain a decimal point. The decimal point is hard-coded between the second and third character.


999999 = 99.9999 %

020000 = 2.0000 %

000000 = 0%

Undefined 180 845 AN  
    1024   Total Record Length

This table describes record type 140.

Record Type 140 triggers the setting of edi_co_mst.tax_code1 to shipcust_mst.tax_code1 or customer.tax_code1.

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Undefined 1 2 AN  
Purchase Order Number 3 22 AN edi_co_mst.cust_po
Undefined 25 15 AN  
Record Transaction Type 40 3 AN 140
Undefined 43 982 AN  
    1024   Total Record Length

This table describes record type 300.

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Trading Partner Code 1 2 AN cust_tp_mst.tp_code,


Purchase Order Number 3 22 AN edi_co_mst.cust_po
Undefined 25 9 AN  
External Reference 34 6 AN edi_coitem_mst.ext_ref
Record Transaction Type 40 3 AN 300
Undefined 43 11 AN  
Destination (Ship To) Code 54 5 AN cust_tp_mst.tp_code
Undefined 59 85 AN  
Alternate Destination Code 144 15 AN cust_tp_mst.tp_code
Undefined 159 31 AN  
Customer Item 190 30 AN edi_cobln_mst.cust_item,


Item 220 30 AN edi_cobln_mst.item,


Line/Release Quantity 250 9 AN edi_coitem_mst.qty_ordered_conv
Unit Of Measure 259 2 AN edi_cobln_mst.u_m,


Price 261 14 N5 edi_cobln_mst.cont_price_conv,


Price Code 275 2 AN edi_cobln_mst.pricecode,


Undefined 277 68 AN  
Line/Release Due Date 345 8 DT edi_coitem_mst.due_date


When the Line/Release Due Date is blank, the Load Routine calculates the date from the Order Date plus an Offset. The system searches in this order for an offset (Std Due period): Customer Contract, Item, Order Entry Parameter.

Undefined 353 4 AN  
Blanket Quantity 357 9 AN edi_cobln_mst.blanket_qty_conv
Undefined 366 60 AN  
Line/Release Notes 1 426 40 AN SpecificNotes.NoteContent - Radley Undefined
Line/Release Notes 2 466 40 AN SpecificNotes.NoteContent - Radley Undefined
Undefined 506 519 AN  
    1024   Total Record Length

This table describes record type 305 (blanket lines only).

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Undefined 1 2 AN  
Purchase Order Number 3 22 AN edi_co_mst.cust_po
Undefined 25 15 AN  
Record Transaction Type 40 3 AN 305
Undefined 43 578 AN  
Date Qualifier 621 3 AN 001,036, 093, 007, or 092
Expiration/Effective Date 624 8 DT edi_cobln_mst.exp_date

when Date Qualifier = 001, 036, or 093 or


when Date Qualifier = 007 or 092. Format = YYYYMMDD

Undefined 632 393 AN  
    1024   Total Record Length

This table describes record types 310 and 370.

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Undefined 1 2 AN  
Purchase Order Number 3 22 AN edi_co_mst.cust_po,


Undefined 25 15 AN  
Record Transaction Type 40 3 AN 310 or 370
Undefined 43 130 AN  
Order Line/Release Notes 1 173 40 AN SpecificNotes.NoteContent
Order Line/Release Notes 2 213 40 AN SpecificNotes.NoteContent
Undefined 253 772 AN  
    1024   Total Record Length

This table describes record type 320.

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Undefined 1 2 AN  
Purchase Order Number 3 22 AN edi_co_mst.cust_po
Undefined 25 15 AN  
Record Transaction Type 40 3 AN 320
Undefined 43 131 AN  
Discount 174 6 N0 Example: 020000 = 2%
Undefined 180 845    
    1024   Total Record Length

830 Planning Schedules/862 Shipping Schedules

Planning schedules and shipping schedules are blanket customer orders primarily used by Automotive Trading Partners. Both transactions provide information for common (same) customer orders. Planning schedules include more long-range planning information and commonly are received once a week. Shipping schedules include firmed release information, along with some planning information, and may be received multiple times a day. It is common to receive a shipping schedule release for a given quantity and later receive the same release for a different quantity. Release quantities also may vary due to quantities already shipped.

Customer blanket orders created by 830/862 EDI transactions are originally created in one of two ways: by PO number or by the translator order number. If all items to be shipped have a common PO number, then all items are added to a customer order based on the PO number. These are known as EDI customer order transaction code BPO (Blankets by PO number). The EDI transaction code (for example, EDI-BPO) is placed in the system Customer Orders form's Taken By field.

It is more common, however, that each item has its own PO number. This creates a problem in that multiple items with unique PO numbers create a new EDI customer order for each PO number.

In this case, a customer order number is added in the translator. The translator passes this order number for each item of that order. an SyteLine customer order is created using the order number entered in the translator as the SyteLine order number. All items with that order number are mapped to the same SyteLine order. These are known as EDI customer order transaction code BCO (Blankets by Customer Order number).

The item's PO number may change at any time and must be included on the returned 856 Advance Ship Notice. To accomplish this, a release PO number is added for each BCO (Blanket by Customer Order) release.

830 Planning/862 Shipping Schedules Import Flat File Layout

This table displays information about the header section of the import flat file:

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
EDI Flat File Extension 1 8 AN edi_parms_mst.tp_code
Trading Partner Code 9 2 AN cust_tp_mst.tp_code
Item 11 30 AN edi_coitem_mst.item,


If the incoming Item value is blank, the system uses the incoming Customer Item number to read the customer contracts table. If a record exists, it uses the associated item number to populate




Significant PO key field 41 22 AN Batch purchase orders only, ties header and detail
Undefined 63 6 AN  
Destination (Ship To) Code 69 5 AN cust_tp_mst.tp_code
Customer Item 74 30 AN edi_coitem_mst.cust_item,


Record Type (Single Flat-File Only) 104 1 N0 1 = Header Record Radley Undefined
Undefined 105 506 AN  
Order Unit Of Measure 611 2 AN edi_coitem_mst.u_m
Undefined 613 153 AN  
Customer Order Number 766 10 AN edi_co_mst.sym-co-num,,

(BCOs only)

Undefined 776 262 AN  
    1037   Total Record Length

This table displays information about the details section of the import flat file:

Field Description Pos Len Format Field or Notes
EDI Flat File Extension 1 8 AN edi_parms_mst.tp_code
Trading Partner Code 9 2 AN cust_tp_mst.tp_code
Item 11 30 AN edi_coitem_mst.item,



f the incoming Item value is blank, the system uses the incoming Customer Item number to read the customer item cross-reference table. If a record exists, it uses the associated item number to populate


and edi_cobln_mst.item.

PO Significant PO key field 41 22 AN BPOs only
Undefined 63 6 AN  
Destination (Ship To) Code 69 5 AN cust_tp_mst.tp_code
Release Status 74 2 AN edi_coitem_mst.stat if 10 or 20 then "O" else "P"
Due Date 76 8 DT edi_coitem_mst.due_date

- Use Promised Date (positions 216-223), but if Promised Date is blank or zero, use this Due Date (positions 76-83). Format = YYYYMMDD

Undefined 84 20 AN  
Record Type (Single Flat-File Only) 104 1 N0 2 = Detail Record Radley Undefined
Undefined 105 79 AN  
Quantity Ordered 184 7 AN edi_coitem_mst.qty_ordered
Undefined 191 17 AN  
Release Date 208 8 DT edi_coitem_mst.release_date


Promised Date 216 8 DT edi_coitem_mst.promise_date


Undefined 224 4 AN  
Purchase Order Number 228 22 AN edi_co_mst.cust_po,


Undefined 250 65 AN  
Record Type Code 315 3 AN 830 or 862
Undefined 318 19 AN  
Release Status 337 1 AN edi_coitem_mst.stat

if S then "O" else if F then "P" If exists it overrides position 74

Undefined 338 540 AN  
    877   Total Record Length

Radley Shipper Interface Import Flat File Layout

This table displays information about the header section of the import flat file:

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Transaction Type 1 1 N0 Ties header and detail
Company Code 2 8 AN Ties header and detail
Trading Partner Designator 10 2 AN Ties header and detail
Shipper Number 12 30 AN Ties header and detail
Undefined 42 60 AN  
Ship Date 102 8 DT dcco_mst.trans_date

(date portion) Format = YYYYMMDD

Ship Time 110 4 N0 dcco_mst.trans_date

(time portion) Format = HHMM

Undefined 114 223 AN  
Customer Order Number 337 10 AN dcco_mst.co_num
Undefined 347 686 AN  
    1032   Total Record Length

This table displays information about the detail section of the import flat file:

Field Description Position Length Format Field or Notes
Transaction Type 1 1 N0 Ties header and detail
Company Code 2 8 AN Ties header and detail
Trading Partner Designator 10 2 AN Ties header and detail
Shipper Number 12 30 AN Ties header and detail
Item 42 30 AN coitem_mst.item,


Undefined 72 30 AN  
Quantity Shipped 102 7 N0 dcco_mst.qty_shipped
Unit Of Measure 109 2 AN dcco_mst.u_m
Undefined 111 294 AN  
Customer Order Number 405 10 AN coitem_mst.co_num,


(used if header customer order number is blank)

Undefined 415 680 AN  
    1094   Total Record Length