Replace and Release Logic

Shipping schedules that are received reflect the new quantities the customer is expecting, less any quantities from advance ship notices imported into the translator. (Customers may at anytime increase or decrease the quantity ordered.) All SyteLine customer order releases must be deleted and replaced with the new releases and quantities. Release processing for 830/862 EDI transactions uses "Replace Logic."

Replace logic deletes any SyteLine releases with 0 shipped quantities and updates any unfilled releases with a quantity shipped as "Filled." The new imported releases, less any shipped quantities on ASN not exported to the translator, are added to the SyteLine customer order.

The EDI Customer Profile form contains three fields that define replacement logic processing:

  • Release Processing: When you select Replace, current 830 planning schedules (if imported) and 862 shipping schedule open order line releases are replaced with new incoming order line releases.
  • Generate Ship Notice: Select this check box to automatically generate advanced shipping notices (ASNs) by printing the bill of lading for this customer. If this check box is selected, an ASN is also generated when you ship on the Ship Confirmation form. ASNs are used during posting of 830/862s to SyteLine to determine net requirements for imported releases. If 830/862s are being processed and this option is cleared, all shipments from SyteLine orders must be manually recorded in the translator before exporting data from the translator.
  • Replace Planning Schedules: For each incoming EDI customer order that was created from an 830 (Planning Schedule) or 862 (Shipping Schedule) transaction and that is associated with this trading partner:
    • If this check box is selected, posting the order purges all unshipped SyteLine Customer Order Planning Schedules and Shipping Schedules associated with the order. It then posts the new Planning/Shipping Schedules to the associated order as new releases.
    • If this check box is cleared, posting the order retains SyteLine Customer Order Planning/Shipping Schedules whose due dates are later than the latest due date of the incoming EDI Customer Order Planning/Shipping Schedules for the associated order. All other unshipped SyteLine Customer Order Planning/Shipping Schedules will be purged.


The following examples help to illustrate what happens with different settings of these fields:

  • Example situation 1 - Not generating ASN.
  • Example situation 2 - Generating ASN but ASN is not exported.
  • Example situation 3 - Generating ASN. ASN is exported.
  • Example situation 4 - Generating ASN. ASN is not exported; 830/862 release data changes.
  • Example situation 5 - Generating ASN. ASN is exported; 830/862 release data changes.
  • Example situation 6 - Examples of Replace Planning Schedule flag impact.

EXAMPLE Situation 1: Not generating ASN

  • Release Processing = Replace
  • Generate Ship Notice is not selected
  • Replace Planning Schedules is selected

The system assumes the incoming flat file accurately reflects the new requirements and will post the incoming requirements to the customer order exactly as they are.

The incoming 830/862 has the following release requirements for a single item.

Releases Due Date Qty Required
1 8/7 336
2 8/9 336
3 8/10 336
4 8/13 504
5 8/14 336
6 8/15 336

Scenario # 1:

Import the above requirements. The customer order will reflect releases 1 thru 6 for this particular line. Ship releases 1 and 2, then re-import the same requirements as shown above. The customer order will reflect 8 releases as shown in the following table:

Releases Due Date Released Shipped Status
1 8/7 336 336 F
2 8/9 336 336 F
3 8/7 336   O
4 8/9 336   O
5 8/10 336   O
6 8/13 504   O
7 8/14 336   O
8 8/15 336   O

Scenario #2:

Assume the original 6 releases have been imported and posted to the customer order. Ship the total quantity for release 1 (336) but only ship 100 against release 2. Then re-import the same 6 releases and post. The customer order will show 8 releases as follows:

Releases Due Date Released Shipped Status
1 8/7 336 336 F
2 8/9 336 100 F
3 8/7 336   O
4 8/9 336   O
5 8/10 336   O
6 8/13 504   O
7 8/14 336   O
8 8/15 336   O

Scenario # 3:

Assume the original 6 releases have been imported and posted against the customer order. Ship a quantity of 400 against release 1. Re-import the original 6 releases and post. The customer order will now have 7 releases as follows:

Releases Due Date Released Shipped Status
1 8/7 336 400 F
2 8/7 336   O
3 8/9 336   O
4 8/10 336   O
5 8/13 504   O
6 8/14 336   O
7 8/15 336   O

Summary: If you do not activate the Generate Ship Notice option in the EDI Customer Profile, the incoming flat file must reflect the current customer requirements and will not take any prior requirements or changes into consideration when posting the incoming releases.

Example Situation 2: Generating ASN but ASN is not exported

  • Release Processing = Replace
  • Generate Ship Notice is selected
  • Replace Planning Schedules is selected
  • ASN not exported for shipments

The system will replace the current line releases with the incoming requirements but will take into account prior shipments made.

The incoming 830/862 flat file has the following release requirements for a single item.

Releases Due Date Qty Required
1 8/7 336
2 8/9 336
3 8/10 336
4 8/13 504
5 8/14 336
6 8/15 336

Scenario #1:

Import the above requirements. The customer order will reflect releases 1 thru 6 for this particular line. Ship release 1, then re-import the same requirements as shown above. The customer order will reflect 6 releases as follows:

Releases Due Date Released Shipped Status
1 8/7 336 336 F
2 8/9 336   O
3 8/10 336   O
4 8/13 504   O
5 8/14 336   O
6 8/15 336   O

Scenario #2:

Import the original flat file to a new order. Ship 336 against release 2. Re-import the original flat file and the customer order will reflect 6 releases as follows:

Releases Due Date Released Shipped Status
2 8/9 336 336 F
3 8/7 336   O
4 8/10 336   O
5 8/13 504   O
6 8/14 336   O
7 8/15 336   O

Scenario #3:

Assume the original 6 releases have been imported and posted to a new customer order. Ship 336 against release 1 and 100 against release 2. Re-import the original 6 releases and post. The customer order will show 7 releases as follows:

Releases Due Date Released Shipped Status
1 8/7 336 336 F
2 8/9 336 100 F
3 8/9 236   O
4 8/10 336   O
5 8/13 504   O
6 8/14 336   O
7 8/15 336   O

Scenario #4:

The original 6 releases have been imported and posted creating a new customer order. Ship 500 against release 1. Re-import the original 6 releases and post to the customer order. The customer order will now show 6 releases as follows:

Releases Due Date Released Shipped Status
1 8/7 336 500 F
2 8/9 172   O
3 8/10 336   O
4 8/13 504   O
5 8/14 336   O
6 8/15 336   O

Scenario #5:

If you have an EDI order that you have been receiving requirements against when the EDI Customer Profile did not have the Generate Ship Notice check box selected, and then you turn on the generate ASN's the system will look at the shipments against the line to day and reduce the incoming Requirements by the quantities shipped. Using the same situation from Scenario #1, import the original file with the Generate Ship Notice check box cleared. Then ship releases 1 and 2 and import the same file again. The customer order will have 8 releases. Activate the ASN in the EDI Customer Profile and import the original 6 releases again. The posted customer order will show the following releases:

Releases Due Date Released Shipped Status
1 8/7 336 336 F
2 8/9 336 336 F
3 8/10 336   O
4 8/13 504   O
5 8/14 336   O
6 8/15 336   O

In this case, the customer order had 8 releases and after turning on the generate ASN's and importing the same requirements again, the system replaced the 8 releases with the incoming requirements less quantities shipped to show the total requirements based on the last import. If releases 1 and 2 had not been on the new import, then the system would have adjusted releases 3 and 4 for the shipments previously made against this order.

Note:  If you are using a translator with CUM capabilities, such as Radley's CARaS, you must export the ASNs prior to importing the 830/862s so that CARaS can adjust the incoming requirements appropriately.

Example Situation 3: Generating ASN. ASN is exported

  • Release Processing = Replace
  • Generate Ship Notice is selected
  • Replace Planning Schedules is selected
  • ASN exported for shipments

In the previous examples we imported the same 830\862 requirements each time as a second import without generating and exporting ASN documents. These examples show what happens if the ASN document has been exported for shipments made.

The incoming 830/862 has the following release requirements for a single item.

Releases Due Date Qty Required
1 8/7 336
2 8/9 336
3 8/10 336
4 8/13 504
5 8/14 336
6 8/15 336

Scenario #1:

Import the above requirements. The customer order will reflect releases 1 thru 6 for this particular line. Ship releases 1, Generate and export the ASN for shipment. Then re-import the same requirements as shown above. The customer order will reflect 7 releases as follows:

Releases Due Date Released Shipped Status
1 8/7 336 336 F
2 8/7 336   O
3 8/9 336   O
4 8/10 336   O
5 8/13 504   O
6 8/14 336   O
7 8/15 336   O

Scenario #2:

Assume the original 6 releases have been imported and posted to a new customer order. Ship 336 against release 1 and 100 against release 2. Generate and export the ASN. Re-import the original 6 releases and post. The customer order will show 8 releases as follows:

Releases Due Date Released Shipped Status
1 8/7 336 336 F
2 8/9 336 100 F
3 8/7 336   O
4 8/9 336   O
5 8/10 336   O
6 8/13 504   O
7 8/14 336   O
8 8/15 336   O

Scenario #3:

Assume the original 6 releases have been imported and posted to a new customer order. Ship 336 against release 1. Generate and export the ASN. Then ship 100 against release 2 but do not generate and export the ASN. Re-import the original 6 releases and post. The customer order will show 8 releases as follows:

Releases Due Date Released Shipped Status
1 8/7 336 336 F
2 8/9 336 100 F
3 8/7 236   O
4 8/9 336   O
5 8/10 336   O
6 8/13 504   O
7 8/14 336   O
8 8/15 336   O

Because the 100 pieces shipped on release 2 were not exported to the trading partner they are deducted from the incoming releases on the second import.

Example Situation 4: Generating ASN. ASN is not exported; 830/862 release data changes.

  • Release Processing = Replace
  • Generate Ship Notice is selected
  • Replace Planning Schedules is selected
  • ASN not exported for shipments.

In the previous examples we imported the same 830\862 requirements each time as a second import. This example shows what happens with replacement logic when different releases in the 830\862 file are being imported the second time.

Assume we import the same 830\862 release first time as before.

Releases Due Date Qty Required
1 8/7 336
2 8/9 336
3 8/10 336
4 8/13 504
5 8/14 336
6 8/15 336

We then ship 336 pieces on the 8/7 and 8/9 releases. We do not generate and export the ASN.

Then we import a new 830\862 with following releases:

Releases Due Date Qty Required
1 8/10 336
2 8/11 336
3 8/12 336
4 8/13 504
5 8/14 336
6 8/15 336

The customer order will show 6 releases as follows:

Releases Due Date Released Shipped Status
1 8/7 336 336 F
2 8/9 336 336 F
3 8/12 336   O
4 8/13 504   O
5 8/14 336   O
6 8/15 336   O

Although this example appears to have dropped the requirements for 8/10 and 8/11 this is correct since the ASN was not exported. The system deducts the two shipments of 336 each from the new incoming 830/862 releases because the trading partner was not aware of the shipments.

Example Situation 5: Generating ASN. ASN is exported; 830/862 release data changes

  • Release Processing = Replace
  • Generate Ship Notice is selected
  • Replace Planning Schedules is checked
  • ASN is exported for shipments.

In the previous example we imported 830\862 document with changed requirements as second import. This example shows what happens with replacement logic when a different releases are in the 830\862 file being imported the second time and ASN has been generated and exported.

Assume we import the same 830\862 release first time as before.

Releases Due Date Qty Required
1 8/7 336
2 8/9 336
3 8/10 336
4 8/13 504
5 8/14 336
6 8/15 336

We then ship 336 pieces on the 8/7 and 8/9 releases. This time we generate and export the ASN. Then we import a new 830\862 with following releases:

Releases Due Date Qty Required
1 8/10 336
2 8/11 336
3 8/12 336
4 8/13 504
5 8/14 336
6 8/15 336

The customer order will show 8 releases as follows:

Releases Due Date Released Shipped Status
1 8/7 336 336 F
2 8/9 336 336 F
3 8/10 336   O
4 8/11 336   O
5 8/12 336   O
6 8/13 504   O
7 8/14 336   O
8 8/15 336   O

Example Situation 6: Examples of Replace Planning Schedule impact.

This example shows the effect on releases due to the Replace Planning Schedules setting.

  • Release Processing = Replace
  • Generate Ship Notice is selected
  • Replace Planning Schedules is not checked
  • ASN is exported for shipments.

Assume we import an 830\862 release as follows.

Releases Due Date Qty Required Status
1 8/7 336 O
2 8/9 336 O
3 8/10 336 O
4 8/13 504 O
5 8/14 336 O
6 8/15 336 O
7 9/30 336 P
8 10/30 336 P
9 11/30 336 P
10 12/30 336 P

We then ship 336 pieces on the 8/7 and 8/9 releases. This time we generate and export the ASN.

Then we import a new 830\862 with following releases:

Releases Due Date Qty Required Status
1 8/7 336 O
2 8/9 336 O
3 8/10 336 O
4 8/13 504 O
5 8/14 336 O
6 8/15 336 O
7 9/30 336 P
8 10/30 336 P
9 11/30 336 P

The customer order will show 10 releases as follows:

Releases Due Date Released Shipped Status
1 8/7 336 336 F
2 8/9 336 336 F
3 8/10 336   O
4 8/13 336   O
5 8/14 336   O
6 8/15 504   O
7 9/30 336   P
8 10/30 336   P
9 11/30 336   P
10 12/30 336   P

This is because of the replace planning schedule flag is not checked so releases with later dates than the incoming 830\862 planning schedules are retained.

  • Release Processing = Replace
  • Generate Ship Notice is selected
  • Replace Planning Schedules is selected
  • ASN is exported for shipments.

Assume we import an 830\862 release as follows.

Releases Due Date Qty Required Status
1 8/7 336 O
2 8/9 336 O
3 8/10 336 O
4 8/13 504 O
5 8/14 336 O
6 8/15 336 O
7 9/30 336 P
8 10/30 336 P
9 11/30 336 P
10 12/30 336 P

We then ship 336 pieces on the 8/7 and 8/9 releases. This time we generate and export the ASN.

Then we import a new 830\862 with following releases:

Releases Due Date Qty Required Status
1 8/7 336 O
2 8/9 336 O
3 8/10 336 O
4 8/13 504 O
5 8/14 336 O
6 8/15 336 O
7 9/30 336 P
8 10/30 336 P
9 11/30 336 P

The customer order will show 9 releases as follows:

Releases Due Date Released Shipped Status
1 8/7 336 336 F
2 8/9 336 336 F
3 8/10 336   O
4 8/13 336   O
5 8/14 336   O
6 8/15 504   O
7 9/30 336   P
8 10/30 336   P
9 11/30 336   P

This is because the replace planning schedules flag is checked. Releases with dates later than the incoming 830\862 planning schedule are removed from the order.