Job Grace Time

Enter a value to indicate the amount of grace time (in minutes) you will allow between jobs or at the beginning and end of the shift.

Job grace time determines when indirect transactions are automatically created in Data Collection (based upon the indirect code on the Employees form). If there is a time gap between the end time of one job and the start time of the next job, the system will create an indirect transaction for the time difference, but only if the difference is greater than the grace period you specify here.

For example, the Job Grace Time field is set to 15. The employee scans an end-run transaction at 10:00 for Job J1. If the employee enters a start run at 10:10 for Job J2, the system will adjust the start-time to 10:00 (because 10 minutes is less than the 15 minute grace period.) However, if the start run for Job J2 is not entered until 10:20, the system creates an indirect transaction for the 20 minutes in which labor is being paid, but is not being charged to any manufacturing operation.

The grace period also applies to the first and last transactions of the day, based on the clock-in and the clock-out times.

For example, the Job Grace Time field is set to 15. The employee clocks out at 5:00. If the employee's last end transaction was at 4:50, the system will adjust the end time of that transaction to 5:00. However, if the employee's last transaction was at 4:40, the system creates an indirect transaction for the 20 minutes in which labor is being paid, but is not being charged to any manufacturing operation.

Note:  Job grace time affects when transactions post from error processing. The transactions will not post until the current time is greater than the end time of the transactions plus the job grace time. For example, if the Job Grace Time is 15 and the end time of the transaction is 10:10, the transaction posts at 10:25.