About the Error Processing Forms

Data collection transactions are stored in the data collection tables until they are posted. Your data collection solution loads transactions into SyteLine database tables.

You can use the error processing forms for the various types of transactions to:

  • Validate transactions
  • Update existing transactions
  • Delete existing transactions
  • Browse existing transactions
  • Manually post transactions to the SyteLine database

Validating Data Before Posting

Whenever a transaction is updated via an error processing form, the data is interactively validated as if the data were being entered for the first time. The data must be free from errors to allow the data to be updated and stored.

All transactions must be validated prior to being posted to the SyteLine database. As part of the posting process, the data is validated again to ensure accuracy. However, one complicating factor does arise. Since all Data Collection transactions can be posted manually or through a batch process, the validations that are performed during the posting process cannot be done interactively. Instead, if errors are detected as the validations are performed, an error number is assigned to the transaction and the posting for that transaction is stopped, but processing continues. The transaction must be corrected before posting into SyteLine. When the transaction is updated, the status will change from Error to Pending.

After all or most of the transactions that were in error have been corrected, run the Validate Data Collection Transactions utility, selecting the type of transactions that were corrected. The utility forces the same interactive validation as if the data were being entered for the first time. You can run the utility manually for specific types of transactions, or you can schedule it to run at certain times.

After the transactions are validated, they can be posted.

Automatic Posting

For most of the error processing forms, there is an associated Auto Post field on the Data Collection Parameters form that determines if SyteLine posts the transactions automatically. You must correct all transactions with a status of "Error" regardless of whether you select this field. After you correct the error transactions, SyteLine changes the status to "Pending." Then, you can post the pending transactions to SyteLine.

Customer Order Shipping Error Processing Form

Use this form to correct customer order shipping transactions from EDI or from the data collection tables and post them to SyteLine. These fields determine whether the system posts shipping transactions automatically:

  • The Auto-Post Shipping option on the Data Collection Parameters form.
  • The Auto Post option on the EDI Customer Profiles form.

You must correct all transactions with a status of "Error" regardless of whether you select the Auto Post field. (If you get an error from transactions imported through the EDI Transaction Load Routine, see that form's help for more information.)

After you correct the error transactions, SyteLine changes the status to "Pending." Then you can post the pending transactions to SyteLine.

For each pending transaction, the system creates or updates the following records during posting:

  • Material transactions
  • CO Line Item (adjustments)
  • Items (adjustments)