Generating the Order Verification Report

You can print the Order Verification Report for a range of customer orders, salespersons, and line/release numbers. In addition, you can sort it by customer order or salesperson.
Note: Only customer orders with a status of 'Planned' or 'Ordered' are printed on this report.

For each order, this report includes the quantity ordered, the due date, the item, and (optionally) the unit price of each associated line/release.  If promotion pricing has been applied to an order line, the Promotion Code is displayed. The customer's Bill To and Ship To addresses are also included.

You can include the following in the report:

  • Regular and blanket customer orders
  • Line/release statuses of Planned, Ordered, Filled and Complete
  • Item numbers and customer item numbers
  • Order, standard order, blanket line, line/release, and customer text
  • Internal and external notes
  • Planning item materials
  • Serial numbers
  • Euro values
  • Prices

If a language is specified on the Customers form, and if the text is translated on the appropriate Multi-Lingual forms, the Terms, Ship Via, Item Description, and Order Text is printed in the customer's language on this report.

If the Print Kit Components on Customer Paperwork field is selected for the item on the Customer Order Lines form, this report lists the kit, components, and quantity required for kit line items and releases.

In a multi-site environment, you should produce this report from the originating site so that all order lines from all shipping sites are included.