Using the Consolidated Invoicing Activity

Use the Consolidated Invoicing form to print, post, and reprint invoices.

This activity prints and posts invoices for shipped items that:

  • Were processed for consolidated invoicing in the Consolidated Invoice Generation form or the Consolidated Invoices Workbench.
  • Fall within the range of shipments you specify on the Consolidated Invoicing form.
  • Are not marked as modified in the consolidated invoices tables (that is, information associated with a shipped item has not changed since you created invoice records for the item).

The currency of the consolidated invoice is the currency of the invoice records created.

After the invoices are printed and posted, the activity removes the pending consolidated invoice records. Any invoice records that were marked as modified remain in the pending consolidated invoices tables. The quantity of such invalid records appears in a message at the completion of the printing and posting processes. Use the Consolidated Invoices Workbench form to examine these records and make appropriate corrections before attempting to print and post them again.

The Reprint Options group box enables you to reprint consolidated invoices from invoice history, based on the selected starting and ending invoice numbers and dates. Reprinting uses the current display options, not the options specified when the invoices were originally printed.

Note: If you are using preprinted numbers on forms, you cannot reprint invoices because a second invoice number would be on the preprinted form and would not match the original invoice number. You must void and regenerate the invoice in order to reprint it.

Note the following about the format of the invoice:

  • If your company uses preprinted and pre-numbered forms, the maximum number of lines allowed per invoice is defined on the Accounts Receivable Parameters form. The invoice headers will be the same but the invoice number will change.
  • The total amount prints in words on the footer.
  • "CONSOLIDATED INVOICE" prints in the header section of invoices.
  • Header text printing supports only Bill To and Standard text.
  • For customers whose DO Invoice field is set to Single by PO, the customer's purchase order number prints in the header section of invoices for delivery orders.
  • Orders, letters of credit, customer purchase orders, and ship-to addresses print in the body of the invoices.
  • If an order's terms code is blank, the due date of the generated invoice is set to the invoice date.
  • The date shipped for a customer order item does not print in the body of the invoices.

Item descriptions for blanket line/releases and regular order lines are obtained as follows.

For blanket line/releases:

  • From an associated Multi-Lingual Item record, if one exists.
  • If no associated Multi-Lingual Item record exists, from the first line of notes for the blanket line.
  • If no blanket line notes exist, from the item record.

For regular order lines:

  • From an associated Multi-Lingual Item record, if one exists.
  • If no associated Multi-Lingual Item record exists, from the first line of notes for the order line.
  • If no order line notes exist, from the Item record.

For summarized invoice lines, the regular order line notes, blanket release notes, and any associated blanket line notes do not print.

For delivery orders, the delivery order header prints above the first line in the line detail area. The header includes the delivery order number, ship date, and ship-to address.