Customer Contract Pricing Setup

When determining a price on a customer order, the system first looks to see if a customer contract is set up for that customer, item, and customer-item combination. If a record with this combination is not found, then the system looks for a record with a matching customer and item, and a null customer-item. If one of these types of records is found, then the system checks the customer-item pricing table to find a record where the order date is on or after the effective date. If a valid pricing record is found, and the contract price has a value, it uses that contract price. If the contract price is zero, the system uses the quantity break points to determine the price.

To set up the pricing and price breaks for customer items, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Customer Contract Prices form, add a new record.

    You can also link to this form from the Customer Contracts form. Select the customer and item on that form and click Pricing. In that case, skip the next three steps, because the information is automatically filled in on that form.

  2. Select the customer.
  3. Select the item to price.
  4. Select the customer item.
  5. Select the effective date for the price.
  6. In the Contract Price field, enter the price that has been guaranteed to this customer for this item. If the order date of a customer order is the Effective Date, then an order line item will have the Contract Price as the default price. This price will override other pricing formulas.
  7. Specify the quantity of the price break.
  8. Specify base code of a unit price, cost, or none.
  9. Specify whether the price break is based on an amount or a percentage.
  10. Specify the value. This is the amount or percent that is used in calculating the unit price. The value amount can be either positive or negative. The value is based on the base unit of measure for the item, not the customer unit of measure.
  11. To calculate the unit price, click Unit Price.
  12. Repeat steps 7 to 11 for each price break you want to create.