Creating Estimate Lines

On the Estimate Lines form, the Features tab is disabled if the item on the order or estimate does not require the configuration string.

When an active item number is entered, the Cost Detail information on the Cost Detail tab is updated from the item cost data. If you change the Item number to another active item, the Cost Detail information is updated. However, if you change the Item number to a non-existent item number, the system clears the Cost Detail information.

Note: Estimates do not support co-product items.

Follow these steps to add line items to an existing estimate:

  1. Open the Estimate Lines form.
  2. In the Estimate field, select the estimate to which you want to add an estimate line item.
  3. Add a new line, entering the appropriate data in these required fields:
    • Line: Accept the number generated by the system, or overwrite it with a different number.
    • Item: Inventoried and non-inventoried item numbers are valid. For inventoried items, select from the list of items.
    • Qty Ordered: Enter the quantity requested for this estimate.
    • U/M: For inventoried items, the unit of measure defaults from the Items form.
    • Status: Select the status of this estimate line. The default value is the same as the parent estimate's status. Valid entries are:
      • Working: This status indicates that the estimate is in the process of being prepared. In contrast to the job status, the estimate status may be changed at any time.
      • Quoted: The estimate is complete and has been used to quote a price to a customer.
      • Planned: The estimate is likely to be accepted by the customer and is being held until transfer to Order Entry.
      • History: The estimate is no longer active but are to be retained for reference and copying purposes.
    • Tax Code: Select a valid tax code for this estimate.
    • Request Date: Enter a due date, or accept the default, which is the current system date plus the value of the Std Exp Period field from the Shop Floor Control Parameters form.
    • Ref: Accept the default value or select a cross-reference.
  4. (Optional) Set these fields as desired:
    • Item Description: Enter a short description or accept the default from the Items form for inventoried items.
    • Customer Item: Enter the customer's inventory item number for this item.

      If no customer contract exists, the Customer Contacts form appears. You can use this form to create a cross reference between the item number used by your company and the item number used by the customer.

    • Unit Price: Enter the price per unit for this item or accept the default from the Item Costs form.
    • Sales Disc: Enter any discount to be applied to this line item only.
  5. To either create or go to a cross-reference record, click Source.

    If the reference fields are blank, the system adds a new record, based on the reference type. After you create the new job or project, the system updates the estimate line to reflect the cross reference.

    Note: You can attach or cross reference this estimate line to a specific job or project. You cannot cross reference this estimate line to a transfer, purchase order or purchase requisition.
  6. Select Actions > Save.

Estimate lines can also be created by using the copy facility. For more information, see Copying Orders and Estimates.

When you source an estimate line to an estimate project and the customer on the estimate is blank and the estimate line's source is Project, then if you have at least one project type with non-billable pricing set up, the system uses the first of those project types as the default type, and creation of the estimate project can continue. It the customer on the estimate is not blank, the system uses the first project type with Fixed Price pricing. Otherwise, an error is displayed.

If you change an existing Estimate Line item, and the quantity is changed, you will receive a confirmation of the change and this message: "Do you want to recalculate the price?" If you click Yes, the price is recalculated using the item pricing logic for the new quantity. If you click No, the price remains unchanged.