Creating an Estimate

To create quotes for customers detailing the costs and delivery times of goods or services, use the Estimates form.

  1. Select Actions > New.
  2. Enter the appropriate data. The required fields are:
    • Estimate: Enter an estimate number or accept the system default, which is the next unique numerical value.

      To start all estimates with the same prefix followed by a computer-generated number, you can set up a global prefix on the Order Entry Parameters form. However, the prefix and numerals together can only total ten characters in length.

    • Quote Date: Enter the date on which the quote is effective, or accept the default, which is the current date.
    • Expiration Date: Enter the date on which the quote will expire, or accept the default, which is the current system date plus the value of the Std Expiration Period field on the Shop Floor Control Parameters form.
    • Status: Select the status, or accept the default value, Working.
  3. Select the Tax Info tab.
  4. In the Tax Code field, enter the tax code to use in calculating taxes on the order for Tax System 1.
  5. (Optional) Enter the appropriate data in these optional fields on other tabs:
    • Customer: Enter the customer ID.
    • Contact: Enter a contact name or accept the default from the Customers form.
    • Cust Quote: Enter a quote number provided by the customer.
    • Terms Code: Enter a valid payment term code.
    • Order Discount: Enter the order discount amount or percentage agreed to in the quote, if any.
  6. Save the form.