Creating a Blanket Order

To create a blanket order:

  1. Open the Customer Orders form.
  2. Select Actions > New.
  3. Enter a new order number or accept the default value.
  4. In the Order Type field, change the option to Blanket.
  5. In the Customer field, enter the customer identifier.
  6. Select Actions > Save.

    The rest of the fields default from the Customers form.

  7. Click Releases to view the Customer Order Blanket Lines form.
  8. On the Customer Order Blanket Lines form, click Lines and add the desired information.
  9. To save the information, select Actions > Save.
  10. Repeat steps 7 and 8 for every line you want to create.
    Note:  The unit of measure defaults from the Items form and can be changed.
  11. Click Release.
  12. On the Customer Order Blanket Releases form, enter a release date and quantity and save the release.
  13. Repeat steps 10 and 11 until all releases have been created for the entire blanket quantity for this line.
Note: Check the line information to ensure that the Quantity Released amount equals the Blanket Quantity amount.

If, on the Customer Orders form or the Customers form, the Credit Hold check box is selected, the system does not let you ship customer orders.

If, however, on the Accounts Receivable Parameters form, the Limit Exceeded Credit Hold Reason field is blank, and you create or update a customer order or a customer order line when the customer's credit limit is exceeded (or corporate customer's credit limit, if applicable), the system does not place the customer order on credit hold and does not prevent you from shipping the order.