Customer Orders Overview

A company creates and uses a customer order, often abbreviated as CO, when it sells goods or services. Each time a customer requests goods or services, a new customer order must be created or changes made to an existing one in the system.

The customer order consists of two major parts: the header and the associated lines/releases. The header, defined on the Customer Orders form, contains information about the customer to whom the items are being sold, such as billing and shipping addresses, and other general information about the order, such as tax information, the total weight, and total price.

The header also contains a field that indicates the type of order: regular or blanket. A blanket customer order differs from a regular customer order in that it allows for multiple release dates for each ordered item.

Each customer order (regular or blanket) can have associated multiple line/releases, which you define on the Customer Order Lines or Customer Order Blanket Lines forms. Usually, a line/release is needed for each item being sold. The line/release contains information such as the item number from the Items form, the quantity being sold, and the unit price.

The Ship Via value is defaulted from the Customer Orders form and is used to validate the Ship Via value when grouping pick lists.


These are some of the features of the Customer module:

  • Maintains detailed customer information
  • Supports centralized and decentralized order entry
  • Maintains multiple ship-to addresses per customer
  • Allows separated drop-ship addresses per line/release
  • Allows multiple line/releases per order
  • Allows blanket line/releases per order
  • Monitors customer order statuses, at multiple levels
  • Ties customer orders to multiple manufacturing jobs and purchase orders
  • Allows multiple deliveries and order releases
  • Allows customers and customer orders to be placed on credit hold
  • Prepares invoices and credit memos
  • Has the capability to post to the Financial system
  • Determines domestic currency value of outstanding orders
  • Reports past-due orders
  • Reports gross margin
  • Maintains a complete order history system
  • Allows orders to be copied from estimates
  • Allows easy creation of jobs and POs for line/releases
  • Provides numerous sales reports
  • Allows quick creation of customer orders through the Customer Orders Quick Entry form.

Interfacing with other system modules

The Customer module interfaces with other system modules in these ways:

  • Vendors and Purchasing: Customer order line/releases can be satisfied by POs. POs can be created automatically from customer orders using the cross-reference feature.
  • Material and Inventory: Line/release prices and quantity availability information are based on the Items record. The Items fields, Alloc Order and Sold YTD, are incremented by the addition and invoicing of customer orders. The Items record's On Hand quantity is increased or decreased by customer order returns and shipments.
  • Production and Jobs: Customer order line/releases can be satisfied by jobs. It is possible to create job orders automatically from customer orders using the cross-reference feature.
  • Estimating: Estimate orders can be copied to customer orders.
  • MRP and APS: Customer orders are shown as outstanding requirements.
  • Accounts Payable: Salesperson commission information can be accessed during A/P Check Printing/Posting (payment of outside salespersons).
  • Accounts Receivable: The customer's credit limit is analyzed each time an order is entered and the system warns you when the customer has exceeded the credit limit. The invoices and credit memos are generated and printed, and are posted to the AR Posted Transactions form.
  • Payroll: Inside salesperson commissions can be included in the Payroll Transaction Generation feature.
  • General Ledger: All material transactions associated with customer order shipments and returns generate entries in the CO Distribution Journal.
  • Product Configuration: The addition of a planning item to a customer order line/release allows an item to be configured based upon the planning item options. If this is an item which has not been previously added on the Items form, it can be created at that point.
  • Data Collection: Shipping transaction information gathered by a data collection solution is used to update the shipped fields of the appropriate customer order line/releases.
  • The Source tab on the Customer Order Lines form gives you a view into order sourcing information related to inventory, purchase orders, jobs, requisitions, transfer orders, and service orders.

Where is the CO number shown?

The CO number is referenced in these places:

  • On a PO line/release cross-reference
  • On a Job Material cross-reference
  • On the Job header

Customer Orders form

Use the Customer Orders form to create, view, and adjust customer orders.

In the grid on the left side of the form, transactions are sorted by order number in descending order.

If the customer is on credit hold, a problem indicator is displayed next to the Customer number field in the Address tab. If the customer is not on credit hold, a check mark is displayed.

If either the customer or the specific order is placed on credit hold, the system will not allow you to ship the order.

You cannot cross-reference a customer order line if the customer order is on credit hold. However, if the order line is cross-referenced before the customer order is placed on credit hold, the cross-referenced information is maintained.

If you use a Terms code with multiple due dates assigned to it, you cannot use the following options:

  • Letter of Credit
  • Consolidated Invoicing
  • Payment Type: Draft.

The Actions menu includes these options:

  • Configure allows you to configure the customer order.
  • Generate Document opens the Infor CPQ Document Automation interface, where you can generate configurable documents.
  • Where Used displays all line/releases, shipments, and reservations that reference this order.

The Tax Info tab includes fields used by the European Union (EU). If the Activate EU Reporting check box on the General Parameters form is not selected, some of these fields are disabled.