Order Status Report

This report provides a listing of all customer orders that are currently maintained in the system. This report is very useful for locating orders with a specific order status. You can run this report against a selected range of orders. The report may also print by order status, customer number, order number, or item number.

You can indicate whether you want to:

  • Generate the report by all sites or a single site
  • Include customer orders on credit hold.
  • Translate the order to domestic currency
  • Include back orders only
  • Include delivery orders

This report prints each order selected in the way you wanted them sorted. For each order, the report includes, among other fields the following:

  • The status of the order
  • Customer number and name
  • Date of the order
  • Status of each line/release associated with the order and information about the item on the line/release, including the quantities of items that are ordered, ready, shipped, and invoiced.