Order Shipping

Use this form to enter shipping transactions and track shipped items by ship date. Before generating a regular invoice for an item or an order, you must ship that item or order. Once you ship an item, it will appear on the To Be Invoiced report.

Note: This functionality is different from the Picking, Packing, and Shipping functionality, and it is recommended that you either choose to use the picking, packing, and shipping functionality or use the standard shipping functionality (Order Shipping form). They were not designed to be used together. Even though the two are separate, there is some interaction. If you ship a quantity through order shipping or return a quantity through order shipping, the Pick Workbench is aware. If there is quantity in use through the Picking, Packing, and Shipping process, the Order Shipping form is aware.

The Actions menu includes these options:

  • Change Warehouse: Opens the Change Warehouse form. You can select a different warehouse from the list.
  • Source: If the Source field on the Detail tab displays Inventory, this option launches the Items form where the current item displays.

    If the Ref field in the Detail tab displays Purchase Order, this option launches the Purchase Order Lines form where the current Line Item displays.

    If the Ref field displays Job, this option routes you to the Job Orders form where the current Item displays.

  • Mass DO Assignment: Opens the Mass DO Assignment form.
  • Edit Freight Charges: Opens the Edit Freight Charges form. From here, a shipping clerk can update the Freight field on the Customer Orders form without leaving the Order Shipping form. The amount entered here overrides any amount already entered into the Freight field.
  • List Shipments: Opens a read-only form that lists shipments for the current order.