
The label on this field changes according to which option you select in the Price Basis field to the left.

Based on your selection in that field, enter one of the following values:

If you selected: This field is labeled: And you can enter:
Extended Cost/Unit + Percentage Percentage

A percentage amount

This number represents a percentage of the original extended cost per unit, as displayed in the Cost/Unit field. This amount is added to the original extended cost per unit.

Extended Cost/Unit + Dollar Amount Dollar Amount

A currency amount

This number represents a flat amount in the domestic currency for the job. This amount is added to the original extended cost per unit, as displayed in the Cost/Unit field.

Set Fixed Net Price/Unit Fixed Net Price/Unit

A currency amount

This number represents a fixed amount for the net price per unit. This option ignores the original extended cost.

Use Discounted Unit Price Use Discounted Unit Price


This field is not available with this Price Basis option, because the system calculates the net price per unit automatically. See Price Basis.

In each case, the system displays the newly calculated net price and net price per unit in the Net Price and Net Price/Unit fields as soon as you exit both this and the Price Basis field to the left.

Note:  The Extended Cost and Cost/Unit fields do not change.

TIP: Once you are done using this and Price Basis field to the left to let the worksheet calculate the optimal value for the net price, you can copy the value from the Net Price/Unit field to the Unit Price field in the header, and then save the form. This causes the system to use the new value on the Estimate Job Orders and Estimate Lines forms.