Use PO Tolerance % for Non-Inventory Items

Select this field to apply the PO Tolerance Over and PO Tolerance Under settings to non-inventoried items. If this field is not selected, a warning will continue to display when you over-receive a non-inventory PO line.

When this field is selected, you will receive an error or warning message in these cases:

  • If the PO Tolerance fields are blank, then a warning displays, but you are allowed to continue, if you receive any amount over or under the PO line amount.
  • If the PO Tolerance fields are set to zero (0), an error displays, and you are prevented from continuing, if you receive any amount other than what is on the PO line.
  • If the PO Tolerance fields are set to any positive number, an error message displays, and you are prevented from continuing, only when the amount received deviates from the PO line by the tolerance percentage specified.