Use Alternate Net Price Calculation

Select this check box to use the alternate calculation method for extended net price on customer order lines and estimate lines.

This alternate calculation rounds before calculating the price, which in some cases could result in less accuracy than the standard method. The Estimated Total Price rounded amount may not agree with the aggregate rounded Net Price at the order line level for existing orders.

This example illustrates the two methods you can use to determine the Net Price for order lines:

Assume the order line for a given item has:

  • Unit Price 2.50
  • Sales Discount 9.09909%
  • Quantity Ordered 10.00
  • Currency Rounding to 2 decimal places

Using the Unchecked (default) method:

  • ROUND ( {[Unit Price * (1 - Sales Discount)] * Qty Ordered} , Currency Places )
  • ROUND ({[2.50 * (1 - 0.0909909)] * 10.00},2)
  • Result is 22.73

Using the Checked (alternate) method:

  • {ROUND ( [Unit Price * (1 - Sales Discount)] , Currency Places ) * Qty Ordered}
  • {ROUND ([2.50 * (1 - 0.0909909)],2) * 10.00}
  • Result is 22.70