Unit of Measure

The unit of measure associated with the quantity to be shipped displays. This field defaults from the unit of measure from the Customer Order Lines form.

You can select a different unit of measure for Shipping transactions if the following conditions are met:

  • The entered unit of measure is defined on the Unit of Measure Codes form.
  • There is a valid Unit of Measure Conversion defined between the base unit of measure and the unit of measure used for the CO Line/Release. In addition, there must be a valid Unit of Measure Conversion defined between the base unit of measure and the Shipping Unit of Measure.

EXAMPLE: The bicycle FA-10000 may be produced and listed on the Items form with a U/M of Each (EA). The CO line/release was entered with a U/M of Box. However, you might need to ship the bicycles in cartons (CT). In this case, you could change the U/M when shipping to CT. The U/M for the bicycle FA-10000 will remain as EA on the Items form, but each bicycle will be shipped in CT.

Note:  Be aware that if you change the unit of measure when you are shipping, it affects that particular Shipping transaction only. It does not change the unit of measure on the original CO line/release.