Total Price

On the Customer Orders or EDI Customer Orders form, the total net price for the entire customer order header displays. This value is the sum of all discounted line/release prices, and the accumulative miscellaneous charges, sales tax, and freight. This field also takes into consideration any order-level discounts. The system calculates the accumulative charges amount automatically after you complete the form. However, in a multi-site environment, if there are customer order lines from a different ship site than the originating site, the values of these lines are not be included in the total price calculation for the customer order.

On the Estimate Commission Distribution form, the total net price for the entire estimate displays from the Estimates form.

On the Salesperson Commission Distribution form, this display-only field shows the total net price for the entire estimate (from the Estimates form).

On the Consolidated Invoices Workbench form, the Total Price displayed equals: Invoice Amount - Order Disc + Freight Amount + Misc Amount.

In this case, Total Price does not include sales tax.