Tax Code 1

Note:  This field label displays the user-defined tax code label entered on the Tax Systems form.

In an item-based tax system, select the exemption code for customer or leave this field blank.

In an area-based tax system, select a tax code that identifies the tax rate for this customer. The tax code you enter must be a rate type code and the system validates the code against the tax codes defined on the Tax Codes form. You cannot leave this field blank if you are using an area-based tax system.

In either case, see the help topic "Setting Up Default Tax Codes" for an explanation of where the default value for this field comes from.

You must enter a value in this field only when the Prompt for [Tax System (1)] check box is selected on the Tax Parameters form.

Note:  The tax code value entered here is defaulted into the corresponding Tax Code field on the Invoices, Debit and Credit Memos form when you add invoices, debits, or credits for this customer.