
Accept the default of Open. The system will automatically update the Status field to track key events in the progress of the RMA line item. Options are:

Status Description
Open The default status when adding a new RMA line item.
Filled The status that is automatically set by the RMA Return Transaction activity when the quantity of the return has been fully received, but can also be manually set if status is Open. The RMA credit memo can only be printed for line items that have been fully received, or for which the Return flag is cleared, and which have not yet been credited.
Closed The status that is automatically set when the line has been fully credited. A line item cannot be closed if material has been returned but has not been fully credited. Items cannot be received or credited when the line referencing them is Closed or Filled. When the last line item is Closed, you will be prompted to change the header status to Closed as well.

After all line items are Closed and the RMA as a whole is Closed, the Status field on the RMA header can be manually changed to History. At this point, the status of all individual lines is automatically set to History. Thereafter, the status of individual lines can no longer be changed.