
On the RMAs form, accept the default value of Opened for new authorizations. You can also change the status manually to Stopped to halt the authorization process temporarily or to Requested if an approval process is in place.

Status Description
Opened The Return Material Authorization is in process.
Stopped An authorized person has called a temporary halt to processing.
Requested This status is used for RMAs that are entered by users in the portal. When the status is Requested, the Generate button on the Replacement Lines tab of the RMA Line Items form is disabled. RMAs with this status can not generate Credit Memos.
Closed All materials flagged for return have been returned and the customer has been credited. You will be prompted to change the header status to Closed after the system has automatically closed all line items associated with the header.

After all RMA line items and the RMA have been set to Closed, another option will appear in the Status field:

  • History: Records will no longer appear in reports with active RMAs. If you manually change the header status to History, the status of all line items associated with the header will automatically be changed to History.

On the RMA Line Items and the RMA Return Transaction forms, the status of this RMA displays from the RMAs form.