
The Status field appears primarily in three sets of forms:

  • On the Estimates and Estimate Lines forms, select the status for this estimate. On the Estimates form, the default value is Working. On the Estimate Lines form, the default value is the same as the associated estimate's status. Valid entries are:
    • Working: This status indicates that the estimate is in the process of being prepared. In contrast to the job status, the estimate status may be changed at any time.
    • Quoted: The estimate is complete and has been used to quote a price to a customer.
    • Planned: The estimate is likely to be accepted by the customer and is being held until transfer to Order Entry.
    • History: The estimate is no longer active but is to be retained for reference and copying purposes.
    • On the Estimate Commission Distribution form, the current status of the estimate displays from the Estimates form.
  • On the Customer Orders form, the Status field reflects the current status of the customer order (CO). There are five valid codes describing the status of the CO Header:
    • Ordered: This is the default for new orders. The header status remains Ordered until you change it to Stopped or Complete. The CO can hold other line/releases in any mix of the statuses.
    • Planned: You can change the status of the header to Planned if all of the lines/releases associated with the order have a status of Planned.

      You can not change the status of an order to Planned if there are any reservations defined for the Customer Order Item.

      You can only change the order status at the originating site.

    • Stopped: The order is planned based on the setting of the Plan Stopped Customer Orders field on the Planning Parameters form.
    • Complete: An order header may be changed to a status of Complete if all line/releases have a status of Filled/Complete or if there are no Customer Order Lines. If further processing (such as returned shipments) is required, a CO header status may be changed from Complete to Ordered (re-opened). In order for the CO header status to qualify as Complete, each line/release's quantity invoiced must equal the quantity shipped. As items in an order are returned, the quantity shipped amount is decreased and the order would not qualify for the status of Complete.

      If you change an order's status to Complete and then change it back to Ordered, all reserved inventory items are lost.

      If you try to change the CO header status to Complete and all the associated line/releases do not have a status of Complete, the following happens:

      1. The system checks all line/releases to determine if they are eligible to be changed to Complete.
        • The system changes the line/release status to Complete for every line/release which meets the criteria.
        • If a line/release is found which does not qualify, a warning message displays. We recommend that you keep a manual log of these exception messages, as they are displayed, to aid in further investigation.
        • If after checking every line/release in the order, the system identifies any lines/releases that do not qualify for a status of Complete, then a final message displays.
      2. If all of the lines/releases qualify for a status of Complete, then:
        • The status for all lines/releases changes to Complete.
        • If the order is a blanket CO, all of the blanket line statuses change to Complete.
        • After all of the statuses of the line/releases and/or blanket lines have been changed to Complete, then the Customer Order header status changes to Complete.
    • History: The CO is no longer to be listed along with the currently-active orders. After you manually change the status to History, the CO is moved to a separate CO History file, where it is maintained for historical reference and copying purposes.
  • On the Customer Order Lines form, select the status of the line (as opposed to the status of the header). Valid entries are:
    • Planned: A line/release can be entered with a status of Ordered even though its default status is Planned. The status remains Planned until you change it and updated it to Ordered.

      When an order header is added in with a status of Planned, all subsequently added line items will also have a status of Planned.

      A line/release with a status of Planned is not included in the Allocated to Order field on the Items form. Shipments cannot be made against planned line/releases.

      You cannot change the status of an order to Planned if there are any reservations defined for the customer order item.

    • Ordered: This is the default value at order entry time. As ordered line/releases are shipped, the Alloc Order quantity on the Items form is decreased by the Qty Shipped. As lines/releases have their statuses changed from Planned to Ordered, the Alloc Ord quantity is increased. Ordered lines/releases are Available To Ship items. They are the line/release numbers that pre-fill on the Order Shipping form. It is possible to overwrite this default by manually entering any line/release number - as in the case of returns against a Filled line/release.

      You can manually change a line/release status from Planned to Ordered on the Customer Order Lines form. When the status of a line/release is changed from Planned to Ordered, these actions occur:

      • The quantity allocated to the order (Alloc Order from the Items form) is increased by the Qty Ordered for the line/release.
      • The Qty Ready To Ship field is updated if the reference type is Inventory.
      • A customer credit check is performed and the customer's on-hand balance is updated.
      • The CO header status changes to Ordered automatically, if it had been Planned.
      • A log record is created when a line/release status is changed from Planned to Ordered.
    • Filled: The line/release is fully shipped (Qty Shipped is greater than or equal to Qty Ordered). The system's receiving function recognizes when this state has been reached and automatically changes the line/release status to Filled. As items are returned, the Qty Shipped is decreased. If a Filled line/release has items returned, the system recognizes that the line/release is no longer Filled, and changes it back to Ordered.
    • Complete: The line/release is not open for any future processing, including invoicing and shipping. If a line/release is changed to Complete and there are some unshipped items, the unshipped quantity is deducted from the Alloc Order quantity from the Items form.

When the last Filled line/release has been changed to Complete, the system asks whether the Order header status should be changed to Complete.

If the Order header status is not Complete, any line status for the line/releases associated with the order may be changed from Complete to Ordered. When any such line/release is reopened, any items unshipped at the time the line status was changed to Complete are added back to the Alloc Order value from the Items form. (Those items were once deducted from the Alloc Order field when the line status was changed from Ordered to Complete.)