Supplementary Statistical Declaration Value

Enter the Supplementary Statistical Declaration (SSD) Value, which is used in some European Union (EU) reports. The SSD value is the export value from the transaction, if it is specified. The value is the unit cost/price (not the extended cost/price) and is in the currency of the customer order or purchase order.

You can enter an SSD value on:

  • CO Lines/Releases: If you specify an SSD value on the CO line/release, the SSD Value * Qty Shipped displays in the SSD Value field of the EU SSDs form.

    If you set the SSD value on the CO line/release to zero, then when you save the record:

    • The system sets the SSD value to the item's Unit Price if the Unit Price is not zero.
    • If the Unit Price is zero, the system sets the SSD Value to the item's Current Unit Cost (converted to the CO line/release unit of measure and to the customer's currency) if the Current Unit Cost is not zero, and displays a warning message but saves the record. When converting the item's Current Unit Cost to the customer's currency, the system determines if the customer order's Fixed Rate field was selected; if so, the system uses the exchange rate from the customer order. Otherwise, the system determines whether two exchange rates are set up; if so, it uses the Customs and Excise exchange rates; if not, it uses standard exchange rates.
    • If the item's Current Unit Cost is also zero, the system displays an error message and stops further processing.
  • PO Lines/Releases: If you specify an SSD value on the PO line/release, the SSD Value * Qty Received displays in the SSD Value field of the EU SSDs form.

    If you set the SSD Value on the PO line/release to zero, then when you save the record:

    • The system sets the SSD value to the Item Cost, if the Item Cost is not zero.
    • If the Item Cost is zero, the system sets the SSD Value to the item's Current Unit Cost (converted to the PO line/release unit of measure and to the PO's currency) if the Current Unit Cost is not zero, and displays a warning message but saves the record. When converting the item's Current Unit Cost to the PO's currency, the system determines if the purchase order's Fixed Rate field was selected; if so, the system uses the exchange rate from the purchase order. Otherwise, the system determines whether two exchange rates are set up; if so, it uses the Customs and Excise exchange rates; if not, it uses standard exchange rates.
    • If the item's Current Unit Cost is also zero, the system displays an error message and stops further processing.
    • .If you change the item cost during Purchase Order Receiving, the latest cost is updated on the Purchase Order Lines and EU SSDs forms.

To update the SSD value, specify a non-zero value. After changing the value, if you want to reset it to the default, enter a value of zero and the system will follow the steps described above.

Note:  The Foreign Value is the SSD value.