RMA Prefix

Enter the prefix that will appear in front of all RMA numbers generated by the system. We recommend that you enter a prefix (R, or RM, or some other letters you will remember easily.) The prefix ensures that your RMAs and your customer orders will be not become intermixed. The prefix and separate numbering scheme can be helpful in distinguishing credits from invoices when printing credit memos.

A prefix can consist of numeric and non-numeric (letters and symbols) characters. However, the prefix should end with an alphabetic character to ensure that the system increments RMA numbers correctly.

The RMA prefix plus system-generated digits becomes the ten-character RMA number. Prefixes of more than 2 characters are not recommended, since they reduce the number of digits available to the system.

EXAMPLE: If you enter R in this field, the system generates RMA numbers in order beginning with R000000001. If you enter RMA in this field, the system generates RMA numbers in order beginning with RMA0000001.