Recalculate Line Due Date

When this check box is selected, the Due Date on the "To" regular CO/estimate line is calculated by adding the Standard Due Period to the "To" CO order date/estimate quote date. The recalculation adheres to these rules:

  • If a customer contract exists for the customer/item combination and the Standard Due Period field on the Customer Contracts form is populated, that value is used for this calculation.
  • If a customer contract does not exist or the Standard Due Period field on the Customer Contracts form is not populated, the Standard Due Period for the item on the Items form is used for this calculation.
  • If a customer contract does not exist or the Standard Due Period field is not populated on either the Customer Contracts form or the Items form, the Standard Due Period from the Order Entry Parameters form is used for this calculation.

When the Recalculate Line Due Date field is cleared, the Due Date on the "To" regular CO/estimate line is set to the value of the Due Date on the "From" CO/estimate line.

This option has no effect on blanket customer orders.