Quantity Ready

The quantity of the item that is ready to ship displays.

On the Pick Workbench form, this field is read-only.

On the Customer Order Lines form:

If the line item has a reference of Purchase Order, the Ready to Ship field stays at zero until the item is received into inventory. When receiving is done, the Ready to Ship field is incremented accordingly.

If the line item has a reference of Job Order, the field stays at zero until the item is completed and released to inventory. Then the Ready to Ship field is incremented accordingly.

If the line item has a reference of Transfer Order, the field also will remain at zero until the transfer is complete. Then, the Ready to Ship field will be increased by the amount of the transfer, up to the amount ordered.

If the line item has a reference of Inventory, when the line is added, the quantity on hand is checked. For this field to populate correctly, make sure the inventory-referenced item is also marked as Stocked on the Items form. If there is an amount on hand, the Ready to Ship field is incremented accordingly.

Note:  The figure shown in this field on the Customer Order Lines form is calculated differently than the figure calculated by the Available to Ship report. The Available to Ship report reads through all unshipped CO line items and calculates the orders that are ready to be shipped based on quantities on hand at that time. For each line it processes, the report deducts the quantity from the item's quantity on hand before processing the next line, so the report does not over-commit the item's on hand. If you have mostly Inventory referenced line items, using the Available To Ship report is more accurate than using the Ready field seen on other reports.