
Enter the quantity to ship or return. The default value is the amount remaining to be shipped. A negative value before invoicing indicates a return.

On a credit return (after invoicing), you can enter a positive quantity to specify the amount to return.

If you need to correct (reverse) an erroneous shipment before invoicing, you can enter a negative amount to make the correction.

If you ship more items than are available, the Qty to Ship field is initialized to zero to prevent an unintended return by the system.

On the Mass DO Assignment form, the quantity displays.

On the Order Shipping form, make sure the number of digits entered in the Quantity field matches the number of digits specified in the Unit Qty Format mask in the Inventory Parameters form:

  • Round the number up, as appropriate. If the Quantity Shipped is 223.097618, and the mask is 99999.999, round the value you enter in the Quantity field to 223.098.
  • However, fill in all of the available decimal places. In the example above, do not round to 223.10.

This is necessary when unit of measure conversions are being done, because the system compares the Quantity Shipped to the ordered quantity, and if the value in the Quantity Shipped appears to be less than the ordered quantity, it will not mark the order as filled.