Prox Code

If you selected the Advanced Terms check box, specify the appropriate prox code in this field. During the calculation of the due date, the Prox Code is used to adjust the date before the due days are added.

The default value for this field is 0 if the Advanced Terms check box is selected. These are the valid values:

  • 0: No additional calculation is performed.
  • 1: If the due date is after the Cutoff Day, the due date is advanced by one month..
  • 2: The due date is advanced to the end of the month.
  • 3: The calculation for Prox Code 1 is is performed first, and then the due date is advnaced to the end of the month..

See Advanced Terms Algorithm for more information.

If the Advanced Terms check box is not selected, the default Prox Code value is 99 and you cannot update this value.