Print VAT on PO

Select this check box to print VAT amounts and VAT codes on the purchase order. To exclude VAT amounts and VAT codes from the purchase order, clear this check box.

This field is enabled if both of these are true:

  • On the Tax Systems form, the Tax Mode for Tax System 1 or 2 is set to Item and Active For Purchasing is selected.
  • On the Tax Parameters form, Prompt for [Tax System (1) or (2)] is selected.

The Purchase Order Report and Change Order Report include VAT amounts and VAT codes only if this check box is selected. When this check box is selected, these reports print the following:

  • VAT code and amount for the PO line
  • Summary VAT codes and amounts, sorted by VAT code, for the PO
  • VAT codes and amounts, sorted by VAT code, for the entire report

All VAT codes and amounts print for purchase order lines, purchase order summaries, and report summaries, including those with zero percent and/or zero amounts.