Preferred Geocode

A geocode is a combination of the addresses stored on a transaction that enables the Tax Interface to determine which taxing jurisdictions and tax rates to use. Each address can be associated with a geocode provided by the tax vendor system.

Both Taxware and Vertex use geocodes, although each tax vendor system uses it differently. On any page where geocodes can be assigned, you can click the Validate button to return the associated geocode. During geocode lookup, the Tax Interface passes address information such as address line 1, city, county, state, postal code, and country to the tax vendor. The tax vendor software uses these address fields to determine a geocode. If the Tax System finds multiple geocodes, it returns a list from which you can select the preferred geocode to store in this field.

This field is enabled only if Taxware or Vertex is selected on the Tax Parameters form, and the address country is the United States or Canada.

Note:  Address combinations must be valid in order to ensure that the tax vendor software returns a valid geocode. For example, the city, state, and postal code combination must be valid.