Packing Slip

On the Order Shipping form, select the packing slip identification code or number. This field is activated only when you are adjusting a shipment and the following conditions are true:

  • Quantity is negative.
  • CR Return is not selected.
  • The customer record has the Print Packing Slip on Invoice field selected.

If you enter a packing slip number, the system validates it to make sure the packing slip exists and the order number on the packing slip matches the order number being shipped.

When a negative shipment is being processed, only shipment records that were tied to the packing slip are updated. If you try to adjust by more than the amount specified on the packing slip, an error will occur. This situation could exist because not every shipment record has to be tied to a packing slip.

The packing slip will also be updated to reflect any change you make here. Thus, if the packing slip were to be reprinted, the quantities may be different than when it was originally printed.