Letter of Credit Number

Enter or select a valid letter of credit number. Displayed LCRs for the customer have a status of either Open or Planned.

This field is only required if the LCR Required field on the Customers form has been selected.

An error message displays and processing will not continue, if:

  • an invalid LCR number is entered, or
  • an LCR with a status of Expired or Complete is entered.

If the LCR is not revolving and a customer order already exists with the entered LCR number, this error message displays:

Customer Letter of Credit is not equal to Revolving for Customer Letter of Credit that has [LCR: ##]

Customer Order that has [CO: ##] and [LCR: ##] exists.

Note:  When working in a multi-site environment, the LCR number on the order header is owned by the originating site. When the order header information is copied to a different ship site, the LCR number field will not be copied.

If you have a Letter of Credit number on your customer order and attempt to add a line item with a different ship site, a warning message displays and you will not be able to enter a different ship site.

If a change is made to the exchange rate on the customer order, and a letter of credit exists for this order, the accumulated values on the letter of credit will be adjusted.

In customer orders, shipping will be stopped and an error message displays when the following conditions occur:

  • No LCR is tied to the CO.
  • The shipping date is past the LCR's expiration date.
  • The accumulated value of the order being shipped added to the accumulated shipped value exceeds the LCR amount.

If no LCR is required then warning messages display, but activity will continue.

On the Consolidated Invoices Workbench form, the field displays the letter of credit number specified in the Customer Orders form for the order associated with the item in the invoice line.