Invoice Flag

Select Automatic to invoice a Progressive Billings record automatically. When you run order invoicing, the system produces an invoice for each Progressive Billing record with an Invoice Flag set to Automatic and dated on or before the system date. This allows you to enter a Progressive Billing record that may be invoiced on a future date.

Each Progressive Billing record may be selectively invoiced, depending on whether you select Yes or No in the Invoice Flag field. When you run order invoicing, all Progressive Billing records with Invoice Flags set to Yes will be invoiced, regardless of the dates entered. The system will not invoice Progressive Billing records with Invoice Flags set to No.

Note:  If you print a Regular or Blanket invoice prior to printing the Progressive invoice, the system changes the Invoice Flag to Vouchered for all Progressive Billing records for that line item. The Progressive Billing invoicing process skips all records flagged as Vouchered so the customer is not double-billed. You can delete Vouchered records, but you cannot update them.

The No flag also lets you resolve issues concerning a Progressive Billing record without creating another invoice. By changing Automatic to No in the Invoice Flag field, you can update the record. Selecting No prevents the system from printing an invoice for that billing. Once you have resolved the billing problem, you can change the Invoice Flag field to either Automatic or Yes, and create an invoice for it.

You can update the Invoice Flag field at any time before you invoice a Progressive Billing record. Once you print an invoice for a Progressive Billing record, the system changes the Invoice Flag to Invoiced, and you may no longer update or delete the record.