Include Tax in Price

On the RMAs form, the Include Tax in Price check box defaults from the Customers form to the RMA header based on the selected customer. You can accept the default setting for this customer, or you can select or clear the check box depending on whether or not you want to include tax in the price of the return.

RMA lines must consist of either all items including tax in the return or not, depending on the Include Tax In Price setting of the associated RMA header.

The system checks the Include Tax In Price check box on the RMA header and the customer order header to see if they match. If they do not match, the system displays a warning message. The system determines the price of the return based on the Include Tax In Price setting on the RMA header.

If the RMA is not associated with a specific customer order, the system uses the default Include Tax In Price setting from the Customers form. When processing the RMA, if the customer and RMA Include Tax In Price settings do not match, the system displays a warning message. The system calculates the price of the return based on the Include Tax In Price setting on the RMA header.

Note:  If Include Tax In Price is selected for the RMA, the system calculates the Restocking Fee as if it is taxed regardless of the Include Restock Fee setting on the Tax Codes form. If the restocking fee is not taxed, the tax portion of the restocking fee is credited to the Restocking Fee Account. If the restocking fee is taxed, the tax portion of the restocking fee is credited to the Sales Tax Account. In either case, the total amount credited to Accounts Receivable is the same.