Include Tax in Price

Select the Include Tax In Price check box if you want to include tax in the price of items sold to this customer. Clear this check box if you do not want to include tax in the price of items sold to this customer. This Include Tax In Price setting is the default for this customer and will be used for all items sold. When a order is entered for this customer, the Include Tax In Price setting will default to the customer order.

The default for this check box is not selected.

Note:  When Include Tax In Price is selected, the system does not calculate price breaks and Price Formulas. See Calculating Unit Price for more information.

During consolidated invoice generation, the system consolidates only those customer orders with the Include Tax In Price check box selected if the customer's Include Tax In Price check box is also selected.

When consolidating invoices, the system calculates the price before tax if the check box is selected. The system then makes the appropriate general ledger entries for sales tax, sales and accounts receivable.