Include Tax in Price

Select the Include Tax In Price check box if you want the customer order to include tax in the price of the items. Clear this check box if you do not want the customer order to include tax in the price of the items; any tax owed will be calculated separately.

Changing the value of this check box to be different than the one on the Customers form can cause problems during Consolidated Invoice Generation.

When you enter a customer order, the Include Tax In Price check box defaults from the Customers form.

After you add lines to the customer order, the Include Tax in Price check box becomes disabled.

The customer order and associated line items must consist of either all line items having the tax included in the price or not, depending on the Include Tax In Price check box setting. The customer order header and its associated line items must have the same Include Tax in Price setting.

Note:  When Include Tax in Price is selected, the system does not calculate price breaks and Price Formulas. See Calculating Unit Price for more information.

When you add a line item to the Customer Order Lines form or Customer Order Blanket Lines form, the system displays a warning message if:

  • The item is not on the Customer Contract Prices form.
  • The item's Include Tax In Price check box on the Customer Contract Prices form does not match the CO header's Include Tax In Price setting.

You may change the item price to include or eliminate the tax. The system will process the item based on the customer order header's Include Tax in Price setting.

Note:  If Include Tax in Price is selected for the customer order and the CO line contains a tax exempt item, the system does not deduct any taxes when calculating the item's final price during invoice generation. You can manually adjust the price of the item on the CO line, if necessary.

You cannot adjust tax amounts on the Price Adjustment Invoice form for customer orders that are flagged as Price Includes Tax. The Adjust Tax button is disabled if the Include Tax in Price check box is selected for the customer order.

On the History Customer Orders form, the Include Tax in Price check box is display only and defaults from the customer order header.