Fixed Rate

Based on the currency selected, this field uses the same value (selected or cleared) as on the Customer Currency Codes form or Currency Codes tab on the Customers form. You can update the value here if necessary, unless the selected currency is the domestic currency.

Select this check box to fix the exchange rate at the value entered in the (Exchange) Rate field. The fixed rate is used for all transactions associated with the order, including payments, credit and debit memos that are later attached to the invoice for this order. The Currency Revaluation Report skips fixed-rate customer orders.

Note:  If this check box is selected, then the order is not eligible to be added to a delivery order.

If this check box is cleared, the customer order exchange rate is used during invoicing. When you receive a payment, the system uses the exchange rate entered on the payment. The Currency Revaluation utility revalues non fixed-rate orders based on the current exchange rate. If a rate has been marked as fixed, all downstream related documents in the transaction are marked as fixed and bear the same rate. Transactions not marked as fixed bear the rate in all downstream transactions, but are subject to realized and unrealized revaluations.