Export Type

Select the export type you want to associate with the customer. This field is enabled when the Track Tax Free Imported Materials check box is selected on the Inventory Parameters form. Select one of these options:

  • Direct: The company sells the product directly to a foreign customer.
  • Indirect: Tax-free imported materials may be shipped to this customer to be included in a final assembly that is being exported back to the original country.
  • Non-Export: The company sells to a local customer and in return issues an Export Certificate that states that the company will use this product as a raw material or assembly and will sell the finished good to a foreign customer.

On the Customers, Multi-Site Customers, Customer Ship-Tos or Multi-Site Customer Ship-Tos forms, if you select either the direct or indirect export type, and you select the Include Tax in Price check box, a warning message displays. If the customer is local and you select the direct export type, a warning message displays to indicate that an order might not be direct export for a local customer.

On the Customer Orders form, the export type defaults from the Customers form.

On the Projects form, the field's default value is derived from what is set on the ship-to customer's record.

On the Transfer Orders form, this field is enabled when the both the source site and the transfer site have their Track Tax Free Imported Materials check box selected on the Inventory Parameters form. This field is disabled when the source and originating site are the same. You cannot select Direct unless the source site is different than the transfer site and the source and transfer sites are in different countries. The item on the transfer order must have the Tax Free Imported Material check box selected at both sites.