Deferred Revenue Account, Accounts Receivable Parameters

On the Accounts Receivable Parameters form, select the G/L account number to use by default as the deferred revenue account for earned rebates. Deferred revenue credit values are recorded to this account during invoicing when customer order lines qualify for rebate programs.

Note: This field maintains a G/L account number. The account number you enter in this field must be a valid account number in the Chart of Accounts.

On the Price Promotions and Rebates form, accept the default value from the Accounts Receivable Parameters form or select a different account as needed. You can select a different account only if the Rebate Fair Value is not zero.

On theEarned Rebates form, accept the default value from the Accounts Receivable Parameters form or select a different account as needed. Unused earned rebates are recorded to this account when the earned rebate has expired.