
On the Customers, Multi-Site Customers, or Move Prospect to Customer forms, enter the number to use for identifying this customer. The customer number is then used to identify this customer's records throughout the system. If you do not specify a number here, the system assigns the next unique customer number available when you save the record (the prefix assigned to the customer number comes from the Customer Prefix defined on the Accounts Receivable Parameters form).

Note:  If you specify a number and the number contains a special character which is the same as the current default wildcard character, you must change the wildcard character. Refer to Using Wildcard Characters for additional information.

On the EDI Customer Orders form, only EDI Customer Bill Tos are shown in this drop-down list.

On the Customer Orders form, if the selected customer order is a source site CO derived from a demanding site PO, then this field is automatically set to the demanding site customer and cannot be changed.

On other forms, select a customer number from the drop-down list, or enter an existing customer number. If appropriate, the customer's full bill-to mailing address displays below.

Note:  If the Show in Drop-Down Lists check box on the Customers or Multi-Site Customers form is cleared for a customer record, that record will not display in this field. However, you may manually enter the customer record without causing an error.