Customer Purchase Order

On the Customer Orders form, enter the purchase order number, if known, used by the customer company for its paperwork. This Customer Purchase Order field can be useful when filtering by po number to locate a customer order linked to a given customer purchase order. The Customer Purchase Order field is for reference purposes only. It is also used as a part of the selection criteria for generating several of the customer order reports.

On the Consolidated Invoices Workbench, the field displays the customer purchase order number for invoices with the DO Invoice type Single By Purchase Order. The field is blank for delivery order invoices of the type Consolidated or Single and for consolidated invoices not linked to delivery orders. The number is from the Customer Orders form. In the invoice line section of the form, the field displays the customer purchase order number for the current line.

On the Estimates or Estimate Lines forms, enter the customer's quote number in this field. This field displays the customer quote number, if known, used by the customer company for its paperwork.