Credit Hold

Use this field to determine whether the selected customer orders are placed on credit hold or release from credit hold.

When you select Hold, the utility sums the net due amounts of all active A/R posted transactions with the type Invoice for a selected customer, determining whether the number of days between the aging date and the invoice date or due date is greater than the Days Over Invoice Date/Due Date (on the Customers form). If this value is larger than the Aged Posted Balance Limit value (on the Customers form), the utility places the specified customer orders on credit hold.

Note:  On the Customers form, if you leave blank the Days Over Invoice Date/Due Date field and the Aged Posted Balance Limit field, then the utility selects the Credit Hold field for all customer orders within the specified range.

When you select Release, the utility releases all of the selected customer orders from credit hold. However, the utility does not remove any customer orders from credit hold if the customer is still on credit hold. Release clears the Credit Hold field for the selected customer orders for the selected customers, for all sites containing the customer orders. If the Include Subordinate Customers check box is selected, then the Credit Hold field is also cleared for all the customer orders of all the subordinate customers of the selected customers. (Subordinate customers must have the Corp. Credit field on the Customers form selected).

Note:  If you select Release, the Aging Basis, Aging Date, and Reason fields are disabled.