Corporate Customer

Use this field to specify the number of a corporate customer for the subordinate customer displayed in the Customer field. When you enter a customer number in this field, the system displays the name and address of that customer in the box below.

If this field is blank, the customer displayed has no corporate customer. If the current customer is neither a corporate customer nor a subordinate customer, this field is blank.

If a subordinate customer is defined at a site that does not contain a corporate customer, the system still functions. However, since the corporate customer address information is unavailable for invoicing, the system prints a blank invoice instead.

On the Customers or Multi-Site Customers form, select the customer to be the designated corporate customer on the Corporate Customer tab. This information is also displayed on the header of the Customers form.

On the Customer Orders form, this field displays the name of the corporate customer, if one was designated on the Corporate Customer tab of the Customers form.

On the Prospects form, select the corporate customer you want to associate with the prospect.

Note:  If the Show in Drop-Down Lists check box on the Customers form is cleared for a customer record, that record will not display in this field. However, you can manually enter the customer record without causing an error.

On thePrice Promotions and Rebates form, select a corporate customer ID to narrow the promotion program to include only that corporate customer.