Supplementary Units Conversion Factor

Enter the multiplication factor to use when converting from the standard unit of measure to the supplementary unit of measure for this commodity. For example, your country's import/export laws may require you to report the commodity's unit of measure in mass (kg) and also in some other unit that makes more sense for the commodity - such as liters. When converting from kilograms to liters, you could use the conversion factor 1.043.

If there is a Conv Factor value entered for this commodity on the Commodity Codes form, that value becomes the default conversion factor for the commodity. Otherwise, the default Suppl Units Conv Factor is set to 1. You can modify the factor on forms where it appears.

When you ship or receive items of this commodity type, the Supplementary Units for the transaction is calculated as:

Supplementary Units Conversion Factor x transaction quantity x unit weight x European Union Weight Conversion Factor

This field is activated for a commodity if you select Suppl Units Required on the Commodity Codes form.