Customer Item

The alphanumeric customer item number is defined in the Customer Item field on the Customer Contracts form. A customer item number is not required.

The Customer Item field is used to maintain a relationship between the item number used by your company and the item number used by the customer. The customer item number, if defined, appears on order line item records and can be printed on invoices. It can also be used in setting up end user pricing for contract manufacturers on the Customer Contract Prices form.

On the customer order forms, as well as Estimate Lines, Pricing, and RMA Line Items forms, when you enter a customer item, if a value has not yet been entered in the Item field and only one item exists for the Customer-Customer Item combination, the Item field displays that item. If more than one item exists, you must select the item you want. Conversely, when you enter an Item, if a value has not yet been entered in the Customer Item field and only one customer item exists for the Customer-Item combination, the Customer Item field displays that customer item. If more than one customer item exists, you may select the customer item you want.

Note:  If the Show in Drop-Down Lists check box on the Items form is cleared for an item, it will not display in this field. However, you may manually enter the item without causing an error.