Change Status

Select the status of the PO change orders you wish to print. Valid options are Open, Finalized, and Printed:

Status Description
Open When a change order is created, it has a status of Open. This indicates that the change order is valid, but has not been sent to the vendor. The status should remain Open until all changes or modifications have been made.
Finalized When all changes for a specific change order are complete, you may change the status to Finalized. This indicates that you have completed any changes needed to be made and that the change order is ready to print. The system still considers the change order outstanding until it is actually printed. There can only be one outstanding change order at a time for a particular purchase order.
Printed When the change order has been printed, the status automatically changes from Finalized to Printed. You can manually change the status of the change order to Printed. Once the change order has a status of Printed, any updates to the same purchase order will trigger the creation of a new change order.
Note:  Once the status of the change order is set to Final, another change order cannot be initiated. If you want to make more changes, you will have to re-open the change order, set the status of the change order to Printed, or actually print the change order, which will set the status to Printed.